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Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove

From: Lars Ingebrigtsen
Subject: Re: Proposal: new default bindings for winner and windmove
Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2021 00:01:28 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/28.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Stefan Monnier <monnier@iro.umontreal.ca> writes:

>> Likewise, for windmove, we can bind C-x 4 {left, right, up, down} and DWIM
>> for people automatically, enabled by default.
> That sounds even better (and we could have similar commands in `C-x 5`
> to select frames based on their location on the screen).

Sounds good to me, too -- we could bind those by default.

But I don't think we can change the C-c <left> etc bindings for those
that enable winner-mode explicitly -- I think that's likely to be very
annoying for those users.

(domestic pets only, the antidote for overdose, milk.)
   bloggy blog: http://lars.ingebrigtsen.no

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