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Re: Tree-sitter api

From: Tuấn-Anh Nguyễn
Subject: Re: Tree-sitter api
Date: Sat, 4 Sep 2021 19:49:35 +0700

On Sat, Sep 4, 2021 at 1:44 PM Yuan Fu <casouri@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1) tree-sitter lacks a way to change its malloc behavior in run-time, I 
> commented on their road-map issue, but no one has replied yet,
Do you mean APIs to change its alloc/free functions at run time? Why would we
need to do that? Doesn't simply defining `ts_malloc` and related functions work?
See https://github.com/tree-sitter/tree-sitter/blob/v0.20.0/lib/src/alloc.h#L27.

> 4) I need to work on a better way to build and distribute language dynamic 
> modules.
I think there should be 2 mechanisms:
1. The binaries for common platforms should be built on Emacs's build
   infrastructure, and distributed through GNU ELPA.
2. There should be Lisp functions to download the grammar sources and compile
   them (by invoking the compiler).

> You can find a script for building dynamic modules at 
> https://github.com/casouri/tree-sitter-module
I may be missing something here, but the grammars' compiled forms don't need to
be Emacs dynamic modules, right? They only need to be dynamically-loadable
shared libraries.

Tuấn-Anh Nguyễn
Software Engineer

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