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PR: dired-do-create-files now checks for trailing slashes in the target

From: Rudi C
Subject: PR: dired-do-create-files now checks for trailing slashes in the target
Date: Tue, 28 Sep 2021 21:20:29 +0330

With this patch, we can move directories into new directories if we explicitly end the new name with a trailing slash.

So `/new_name` renames `/old_name` to `/new_name`, while `/new_name/` renames `/old_name` to `/new_name/old_name`. 

Without this feature, one has to first create the new directory and then move the old directory into it, which is so unpleasant I currently just copy the path and use my shell's move functions.

PS: Please use reply-to-all, I am currently not subscribed to the list.

Attachment: 0001-dired-do-create-files-now-checks-for-trailing-slashe.patch
Description: Binary data

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