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Re: sqlite3

From: LdBeth
Subject: Re: sqlite3
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021 19:09:10 +0800
User-agent: Wanderlust/2.15.9 (Almost Unreal) SEMI-EPG/1.14.7 (Harue) FLIM-LB/1.14.9 (Gojō) APEL-LB/10.8 EasyPG/1.0.0 Emacs/27.2 (x86_64-apple-darwin18.7.0) MULE/6.0 (HANACHIRUSATO)

On Thu, 16 Dec 2021 17:48:30 +0800,
Madhu wrote:
> I didn't like situation with json. There is lisp/json.el (in elisp) and
> there is src/json.c which is incompatible.  In a world of ideal emacs
> design (like a decade or two ago) I'd have been able to use the
> interface which emacs provides and switch the implementation, (say if
> the C version was not available).

The current state of src/json.c is not still as useful as json.el, For
example, it is not possible to deserialize the JSON string to a
hashtable with its value type as alist.

And for `json-serialize', it can only accepts

    (json-serialize '((a . [1 2]) (b . [3 4])))

rather than

    (json-serialize '((a 1 2) (b . (3 4))))

and it is harder add something to a vector than list.

So right now I would still go for the `princ' method for serializing a
hashtable of this kind, with is been used by LSDB,


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