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Re: Should project delegate project-find-regexp?

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: Re: Should project delegate project-find-regexp?
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2022 06:01:37 +0300
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On 08.04.2022 11:40, Joel Reicher wrote:
Dmitry Gutov <dgutov@yandex.ru> writes:

On 07.04.2022 14:48, Joel Reicher wrote:
It seems to me that, at least in the case of git, 'git grep' offers a superior 
implementation to anything offered by the generic implementation of 

Last I checked, there was no way to make 'git grep' search in
untracked files.

There's a --untracked option, at least now.

Thanks, that works. And we could try to support it. "ignore patterns" would require some code duplication, but that's doable. Not "error patterns", sorry, that was a typo.

But I've benchmarked searching through a large project (200000 files), and the results seem mixed.

--untracked does slow it down noticeably.


$ time git grep -z -e symlinks >/dev/null

Executed in    1,11 secs    fish           external
   usr time    2,16 secs  720,00 micros    2,16 secs
   sys time    3,65 secs  192,00 micros    3,65 secs

$ time git grep -z --untracked -e symlinks >/dev/null

Executed in    1,81 secs    fish           external
   usr time    2,42 secs    0,00 micros    2,42 secs
   sys time    4,00 secs  938,00 micros    4,00 secs

At the same time, if I pipe the results of 'git ls-files' to ripgrep:

$ time git ls-files -z -c -o --exclude-standard | xargs -0 rg --null --no-messages -g '!*/' -nH -e symlinks >/dev/null

Executed in    2,50 secs    fish           external
   usr time    2,91 secs    1,40 millis    2,90 secs
   sys time    3,02 secs    0,37 millis    3,02 secs

...it looks a little worse. But what if I add some forced parallelism?

$ time git ls-files -z -c -o --exclude-standard | xargs -0 -P8 rg --null --no-messages -g '!*/' -nH -e symlinks >/dev/null

Executed in    1,08 secs    fish           external
   usr time    4,03 secs    1,50 millis    4,03 secs
   sys time    3,60 secs    0,42 millis    3,60 secs

...it shows better performance. Unfortunately, using the -P argument of xargs for grepping because of synchronization problems, but I've wrote about this to ripgrep's issue tracker (https://github.com/BurntSushi/ripgrep/issues/273#issuecomment-1100792783), and we might get such feature there natively someday.

YMMV, but on this machine at least this seems to demonstrate that 'git grep' isn't always better, at least. And its '--threads' argument doesn't seem to make any difference.

Now, the default searcher (grep) is a little slower than ripgrep, but at least we have a faster option present.

Now, when it comes to Emacs, we also lose a fair amount of time on parsing the list of files internally (the output of 'git ls-files') before sending it to 'xargs rg' or 'xargs grep'.

There are a few approaches how to deal with this. Maybe we'd have a generic function which constructs the shell command (which we'd simply concatenate when constructing the shell command for search). Or we'd have 'project-files' return some opaque value with a bunch of accessors which would allow parsing the list of files lazily, and simply reuse the output buffer as input without parsing it (this would save ~500ms in my measurements in this scenario). Or we'd cache the list of files, and cut the whole 1s with that.

We've discussed some of this before (like the caching thing) but so far it's up in the air.

But given the possibility of being able to choose a faster search problem, I'm not sure about making the search a project method (which would lock such projects into one search implementation). I'd rather try to work on other inefficiencies first.

Do try installing ripgrep, though. The search program is configured through the xref-search-program defcustom.

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