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Re: unable to upgrade from emacs 27 to emacs 28

From: Tim Cross
Subject: Re: unable to upgrade from emacs 27 to emacs 28
Date: Tue, 10 May 2022 23:47:08 +1000
User-agent: mu4e 1.7.19; emacs 29.0.50

John Covici <covici@ccs.covici.com> writes:

> OK, here is the error message, did not seem to be that helpful .
> Debugger entered--Lisp error: (invalid-read-syntax "Invalid byte-code
> object")
>   read(get-file-char)
>     (use-package mime-play :config (setq
>     mime-play-find-every-situations nil
>     mime-play-delete-file-immediately nil))
>       eval-buffer(#<buffer  *load*> nil "/home/covici/.emacs" nil t)
>        ; Reading at buffer position 1261
>          load-with-code-conversion("/home/covici/.emacs"
>          "/home/covici/.emacs" t t)
>            load("~/.emacs" noerror nomessage)
>                 startup--load-user-init-file(#f(compiled-function ()
>                 #<bytecode 0x11083400636d167e>) #f(compiled-function ()
>                 #<bytecode -0x1f3c686ddc0def75>) t)
>                   command-line()
>                     normal-top-level()
> On Mon, 09 May 2022 18:27:44 -0400,

That error message is telling you there is something in your init file
(or one of the files it loads) which Emacs is unable to parse correctly.
>From the error message, it looks like the issue may be with the
mime-play package. I have no idea what this package does as it is not a
part of Emacs. Quite likely the package needs to be updated to work with
Emacs 28. 

Note that it could also be some other error in your init file which is
confusing the parser as it tries to read your init file. I would start
by commenting out the section relating to mime-play and see if Emacs is
then able to start. If it does, then you probably need to raise an issue
with the mime-play maintainers (or check there isn't an update for Emacs

If commetning out mime-play still fails to get Emacs to start, then the
error is likely somewhere else in your init file. In this case, you may
need to use the init file bisect technique - comment out the last half
of your init file and start Emacs. If it start, you know the issue in
the second half of your file, if it still doesn't start, you know it is
in the first half. 

Proceed with commenting and uncommenting bits of your init file until
you narrow down the problem to the specific point where the failure
occurs and then invesitgate the reason. 

It is also a good idea to read through the NEWS file for Emacs 28. Each
new version of Emacs adds new features and sometimes introduces
new or altered functionality which may require updating/changing your
init file. The NEWS file can help narrow down the search space when you
encounter problems. 

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