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Re: RE: [External] : Re: master 6362f65474: Add new command `duplicate-l

From: Pedro Andres Aranda Gutierrez
Subject: Re: RE: [External] : Re: master 6362f65474: Add new command `duplicate-line'
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2022 07:56:15 +0200

> > I feel like most of these line based commands exist
> > in other editors because they don't have Emacs' `C-k'.

> More generally, they don't have Emacs...
But even so...

If I wrote the duplicate-line-or-region, it wasn't because of any other editor having whatever... It was just because I sometimes need to duplicate things and don't want them to appear in the kill-ring.
Actually, the more I think, the more I realise how much I duplicate stuff :-)

Same goes with moving lines around, which I've also seen being talked about. Having a package is good enough for me and there's a package for that in ELPA. 

Don't need that as part of stock Emacs core either...
we'll always have ~/.emacs.d and ELPA, right?

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