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Re: Consistent theme across the desktop [Re: Abysmal state of GTK build]

From: tomas
Subject: Re: Consistent theme across the desktop [Re: Abysmal state of GTK build]
Date: Wed, 24 Aug 2022 06:24:30 +0200

On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 11:52:58PM -0400, Richard Stallman wrote:
> [[[ To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider    ]]]
> [[[ whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,     ]]]
> [[[ foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example. ]]]
>   > Until the GTK and GNOME developers declare that they know better, and
>   > refuse to let the window manager draw window decorations...
> If we maintain our version of GTK2, could we do that ourselves?

This is a tall order. We'd have to find enough allies for it to be
feasible, I think.


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