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Re: master 4803fba487 1/2: 'C-x v v' on a diff buffer commits it as a pa

From: Alfred M. Szmidt
Subject: Re: master 4803fba487 1/2: 'C-x v v' on a diff buffer commits it as a patch (bug#52349)
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2022 10:02:40 -0400

   > This is a pitty indeed.  Specially seeing that it is easy enough to
   > get this working for all VCSs.  Here is a hack I wrote ages ago, and
   > this works for just about everything, it doesn't do exactly what is
   > needed (e.g, this works on a single file basis) but it isn't too hard
   > to get that working.

   If you have time, could you work on integrating that code with VC?

   I would, but currently I'm heavily occupied with some other code (which
   happens to use Subversion), and the feature would be quite convenient.

I wish, I'm swamped at work :-( The feature as such is indispensible,
and not having to care about the VC probobly even more so.

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