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[elpa] externals/cpupower b3742b03bf 15/35: Merge branch 'formalize'

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/cpupower b3742b03bf 15/35: Merge branch 'formalize'
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 15:57:45 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/cpupower
commit b3742b03bf4f2f5c7b861842ca94c4fcf9357ac7
Merge: 6ab7e0caec 3501256e73
Author: smeister <smeister@awstruepower.com>
Commit: smeister <smeister@awstruepower.com>

    Merge branch 'formalize'
 cpupower.el | 140 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 92 insertions(+), 48 deletions(-)

diff --git a/cpupower.el b/cpupower.el
index 352e790b8d..ad61677a4f 100644
--- a/cpupower.el
+++ b/cpupower.el
@@ -1,43 +1,75 @@
-;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;;; cpupower.el --- cpupower command line interface  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2021 Stephen Meister
 ;; Author: Stephen Meister
-;; URL   : https://gitlab.com/pallagun
+;; URL: https://gitlab.com/steve-emacs-stuff/cpupower-el
+;; Version: 1.0.0
+;; Keywords: cpupower
 ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 ;; (at your option) any later version.
 ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 ;; GNU General Public License for more details.
 ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 ;; along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary
+;; If you have cpupower installed, this provides a very simple wrapper
+;; to that program.  You'll need to configure your system such that
+;; the current user can run cpupower (maybe as `sudo cpupower` from a
+;; command line).  You can configure how cpupower is called by
+;; customizing cpupower-cmd.
+;; This module interacts with cpupower via running it in a shell.
+;; The commands you'll probably want to use:
+;; * cpupower-info
+;;   - displays (briefly) the current cpupower information
+;; * cpupower-set-governor
+;;   - sets cpu governor for all cores.
+;; * cpupower-helm-set-governor
+;;   - sets cpu governor for all cores (uses helm)
+;; Less useful commands:
+;; * cpupower-get-current-frequencies
+;;   - returns a list of all cpu frequencies in KHz by core.
+;; * cpupower-get-current-governors
+;;   - returns a list of all cpu governors by core.
+;;; Code:
 ;; pretty sure I don't need this, but?
 (setq lexical-binding t)
-(defconst cpupower-cmd
+(defcustom cpupower-cmd
   "sudo cpupower"
-  "cpupower command, might need a 'sudo' infront of it")
+  "cpupower command, might need a 'sudo' infront of it and you
+might need to enable this command for your user in /etc/sudoers"
+  :type '(string)
+  :group 'cpupower)
 (defconst cpupower--compatible-versions
-  "Versions of cpupower which cpupower.el can work with")
+  "Versions of cpupower which cpupower.el can work with.")
 (defvar cpupower--info
   "Where cached information about cpupower will be put")
 (defmacro cpupower--with-cache-slot (cache-slot-name deriving-sexp)
-  "Get something from cache or derive it and populate cache.
+  "Get something from cache (cpupower--info) or derive it and populate cache.
-This macro isn't strictly needed but I kinda wanted to practice
-writing macros.  So here we are."
+CACHE-SLOT-NAME is the key under which the result is stored.
+DERIVING-SEXP is a single sexp which should return the value.  It
+will be called if the value is not cached."
   (declare (indent 1))
   `(let ((cached-value (plist-get cpupower--info ,cache-slot-name)))
      (if cached-value
@@ -54,7 +86,7 @@ writing macros.  So here we are."
       (when (string-equal (car tokens) "cpupower")
         (cadr tokens)))))
-(defun cpupower--num-cpus ()
+(defun cpupower--get-num-cpus ()
   "Return the number of CPUs on this system.
 Done by cat-ing /proc/cpuinfo and counting lines with
@@ -70,10 +102,12 @@ TODO: do this in a less bad way?"
 (defun cpupower--get-available-governors ()
-  "Get a list of all valid governors for this system."
+  "Get a list of all valid governors for this system.
+@todo - this should be done using cpupower? not cat-ing some random file."
   (cpupower--with-cache-slot :governors
     (let ((governors-per-cpu))
-      (cl-loop for cpu-num in (number-sequence 0 (cpupower--num-cpus))
+      (cl-loop for cpu-num in (number-sequence 0 (cpupower--get-num-cpus))
                for cpu-governors-file = (format 
"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors" cpu-num)
                while (file-exists-p cpu-governors-file)
                do (push (split-string
@@ -88,38 +122,19 @@ TODO: do this in a less bad way?"
                finally return valid-governors))))
 (defun cpupower--run (subcommand)
-  "Execute cpupower with SUBCOMMAND string."
+  "Execute cpupower with SUBCOMMAND arguments return the output as a string."
     (let ((command (format "%s %s" cpupower-cmd subcommand)))
       (message "running: %s" command)
       (shell-command command (current-buffer))
-(defun cpupower-info ()
-  "Place current cpupower information into the message buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((governors (seq-uniq (cpupower-get-governors) 'string-equal))
-        (frequencies (mapcar 'cpupower--format-KHz 
-    (message "Governor: %s [ %s ] (version: %s)"
-             (mapconcat 'identity governors ", ")
-             (mapconcat 'identity frequencies ", ")
-             (cpupower--get-version))))
-(defun cpupower-set-governor (governor)
-  "Set the governor on all CPUs to a given governor by name"
-  (interactive "sGovernor: ")
-  (let ((valid-governors (cpupower--get-available-governors)))
-    (unless (member governor valid-governors)
-      (error "Invalid governor: %s, must be one of %s" governor 
-    (cpupower--run (format "--cpu all frequency-set -g %s" governor))
-    (cpupower-info)))
 (defun cpupower--format-KHz (KHz)
-  "Format KHz for human eyes (probably translating to MHz or GHz)."
+  "Format KHZ (as KHz) for human eyes (probably translating to MHz or GHz)."
   (cond ((> KHz 1000000)
          (format "%.2fGHz" (/ KHz 1000000.0)))
         ((> KHz 1000)
-         (format "%.1fMHz" (/ KHz 1000.0)))
+         (format "%.0fMHz" (/ KHz 1000.0)))
          (format "%dKHz" KHz))))
@@ -149,8 +164,33 @@ function returns: (\"and\" \"too\")
                 (setq next-token-is-target t))
            finally return output-tokens))
-(defun cpupower-get-frequencies (&optional print-message)
-  "Return a list of CPU frequencies in KHz"
+(defun cpupower-info ()
+  "Place current cpupower information into the message buffer.
+This is indented as the primary way for humans to see this
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((governors (seq-uniq (cpupower-get-current-governors) 'string-equal))
+        (frequencies (mapcar 'cpupower--format-KHz 
+    (message "Governor: %s [ %s ] (version: %s)"
+             (mapconcat 'identity governors ", ")
+             (mapconcat 'identity frequencies ", ")
+             (cpupower--get-version))))
+(defun cpupower-set-governor (governor)
+  "Set the governor on all CPUs to a given GOVERNOR by name (string)."
+  (interactive "sGovernor: ")
+  (let ((valid-governors (cpupower--get-available-governors)))
+    (unless (member governor valid-governors)
+      (error "Invalid governor: %s, must be one of %s" governor 
+    (cpupower--run (format "--cpu all frequency-set -g %s" governor))
+    (cpupower-info)))
+(defun cpupower-get-current-frequencies (&optional print-message)
+  "Return a list of CPU frequencies in KHz
+When called interactively (PRINT-MESSAGE will be true) it will
+message the user with current CPU frequencies."
   (interactive "p")
   (let* ((output (cpupower--run "--cpu all frequency-info -f"))
          (frequencies (mapcar 'string-to-number
@@ -160,8 +200,11 @@ function returns: (\"and\" \"too\")
                        (mapconcat 'cpupower--format-KHz frequencies ", "))))
-(defun cpupower-get-governors (&optional print-message)
-  "Return a list of CPU governors"
+(defun cpupower-get-current-governors (&optional print-message)
+  "Return a list of CPU governors
+When called interactively (PRINT-MESSAGE will be true) it will
+message the user with current CPU governors"
   (interactive "p")
   (let* ((output (cpupower--run "--cpu all frequency-info -p"))
          (governors (mapcar (lambda (quoted)
@@ -174,12 +217,13 @@ function returns: (\"and\" \"too\")
                                   ", "))))
-;; TODO - only define if helm exists?
-(defun cpupower-helm-set-governor ()
-  (interactive)
-  (cpupower-set-governor
-   (helm :sources (helm-build-sync-source "cpu-governors"
-                    :candidates (cpupower--get-available-governors))
-         :buffer "*helm set cpu governor*")))
+(with-eval-after-load 'helm
+  (defun cpupower-helm-set-governor ()
+    "Set cpu governor using helm."
+    (interactive) 
+    (cpupower-set-governor
+     (helm :sources (helm-build-sync-source "cpu-governors"
+                      :candidates (cpupower--get-available-governors)) 
+           :buffer "*helm set cpu governor*"))))
 (provide 'cpupower)

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