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[elpa] externals/cpupower 3b29497bc3 01/35: here's the first piece

From: ELPA Syncer
Subject: [elpa] externals/cpupower 3b29497bc3 01/35: here's the first piece
Date: Thu, 5 May 2022 15:57:43 -0400 (EDT)

branch: externals/cpupower
commit 3b29497bc39c14ea27be47837be190db56a79d12
Author: smeister <smeister@awstruepower.com>
Commit: smeister <smeister@awstruepower.com>

    here's the first piece
 cpupower.el | 93 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 93 insertions(+)

diff --git a/cpupower.el b/cpupower.el
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ca09046dd3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpupower.el
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+;;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+(setq lexical-binding t)
+(defconst cpupower-cmd
+  "sudo cpupower"
+  "cpupower command, might need a 'sudo' infront of it")
+(defconst cpupower--compatible-versions
+  '("5.4")
+  "Versions of cpupower which cpupower.el can work with")
+(defun cpupower--num-cpus ()
+  "Determine how many CPUs are on this system
+Done by cat-ing /proc/cpuinfo and counting lines with
+\"processor\" in them.
+TODO: do this in a less bad way?"
+  (let ((cpu-count 0))
+    (with-temp-buffer
+      (insert-file-contents "/proc/cpuinfo")
+      (while (search-forward "processor" nil t)
+        (cl-incf cpu-count)))
+    cpu-count))
+(defun cpupower--get-available-governors ()
+  "Get a list of all valid governors for this system."
+  (let ((governors-per-cpu))
+    (cl-loop for cpu-num in (number-sequence 0 (cpupower--num-cpus))
+             for cpu-governors-file = (format 
"/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu%d/cpufreq/scaling_available_governors" cpu-num)
+             while (file-exists-p cpu-governors-file)
+             do (push (split-string
+                       (with-temp-buffer
+                         (insert-file-contents cpu-governors-file)
+                         (buffer-string)))
+                      governors-per-cpu))
+    (cl-loop with valid-governors = (car governors-per-cpu)
+             for other-governor-set in (cdr governors-per-cpu)
+             do (setq other-governor-set
+                      (cl-intersection valid-governors other-governor-set))
+             finally return valid-governors)))
+(defun cpupower--run (subcommand)
+  "Execute cpupower with SUBCOMMAND string."
+  (with-temp-buffer
+    (let ((command (format "%s %s" cpupower-cmd subcommand)))
+      (message "running: %s" command)
+      (shell-command command (current-buffer))
+      (buffer-string))))
+(defun cpupower-info ()
+  (interactive)
+  (message (cpupower--run "--cpu all frequency-info")))
+(defun cpupower-set-governor (governor)
+  (interactive "sGovernor: ")
+  (let ((valid-governors (cpupower--get-available-governors)))
+    (unless (member governor valid-governors)
+      (error "Invalid governor: %s, must be one of %s" governor 
+    (cpupower--run (format "--cpu all frequency-set -g %s" governor))
+    (cpupower-info)))
+(defun cpupower--get-version ()
+  (let* ((output (cpupower--run "--version"))
+         (tokens (split-string output)))
+    (when (string-equal (car tokens) "cpupower")
+      (cadr tokens))))
+(defun cpupower-get-frequencies ()
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((output (cpupower--run "--cpu all frequency-info -f"))
+         (tokens (split-string output))
+         (frequencies))
+    (cl-loop with next-token-is-frequency = nil
+             for token in tokens
+             if next-token-is-frequency
+             do (progn
+                  (push (string-to-number token) frequencies)
+                  (setq next-token-is-frequency nil))
+             else
+             do (when (string-equal token "frequency:")
+                    (setq next-token-is-frequency t))
+             finally return frequencies)))
+(defun cpupower-helm-set-governor ()
+  (interactive)
+  (cpupower-set-governor
+   (helm :sources (helm-build-sync-source "cpu-governors"
+                    :candidates (cpupower--get-available-governors))
+         :buffer "*helm set cpu governor*")))
+(provide 'cpupower)

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