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Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files

From: Jean Louis
Subject: Re: Adding Org Files to org-agenda-files
Date: Sun, 29 Nov 2020 09:41:47 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/2.0 (3d08634) (2020-11-07)

* Tim Cross <theophilusx@gmail.com> [2020-11-29 06:52]:
> I went down a similar route initially. In the end, found it was much
> better to define your capture templates to be generic i.e. not tied to a
> specific project, but rather based on what you are capturing and then
> use things like tags and properties (which you can have capture prompt
> for) to capture project specific information.
> So I have the following capture templates
> - TODO to capture basic tasks
> - phone which I use to capture phone call information and track time.
>   Actually, although it is called phone, I use it for any meeting type
>   thing. I have to track time for billing purposes and need to record
>   date and time of call for tracking purposes

Thank you, nice to get insights into your organization.

I do not know which phone you use, maybe there is export option for
phone calls. Few Emacs Lisp functions can then automatically import
such data and assign to people by their phone number and make a table
of phone calls conducted. 

Some phone and applications offer to record every call. In the file
name there can be duration and begin of the phone call.

On Android there is termux tools where one can get history of phone
calls in automated manner. Those could spare some time.

> - Mail to track important emails. Adds a link to the original message (I
>   read email using mu4e).

I am using similar method. Sergey from GNU Mailutils have made me
small program `ef' that simply extracts email address. Then that email
address is used together with the subject to locate the person and
create quick task. I do that with F11 and do not think more than key
press. Email can be archived. Later I come to the task list.

> - Notes For capturing general note information
> - Bookmarks - I have a bookmarks.org file where I keep links to
>   'interesting' things. Might be web sites, man pages, info pages etc.
> - protocol capture - for org protocol capture handler e.g. capturing
>   info from web pages in chrome.

Just as you have several files so I do. Additionally tasks for
specific people are in their directories. I am accessing those very
fast just by thinking of a person, typing few query strings like "hap
nje" and locating right person in Emacs, press F4 and I have their Org
file in front of me. I have started using Org files after long period
of keeping tasks in the database. It was little quicker flow to write
Org task then to write database task. But this only because I was lazy
to accommodate myself. Out of laziness I have Org files with tasks
which I think should rather belong to centralized database as then
relations, tags, status, all the attributes become fixed and I need
not edit many things. I can still use Org mode just without files and
without error prone attributes.

> Many (not all) of the headings I refile under will add appropriate
> tags via the org tag inheritance process, which I use in various
> agenda views.

** Heading                                                            :QUICK:

*** New heading

that means that "New heading" has the tag :QUICK: even if not
specified. (info "(org) Tag Inheritance")

This may be useful to clarify for that use case when user wish to use
tags for maybe to do them today (one file), and maybe to keep them in
the main file as well. As that means one has to care.

There is also instruction in the Org manual how to turn off that
feature. To me personally that feature may be good to locate tags but
it would create more problems than solutions as the parent node could
be just a group name and individual tasks could be assigned to variety
of things.

It does make sense to use the parent's tags as automatically offered
tags for the subtree nodes. When making the subtree tags then parent's
tags could be right there for user just to press ENTER without
thinking. Various people have various use cases. When inheriting tags
one has to be more rigid in how to sort tasks.

Cherrytree - hierarchical note taking application with rich text and syntax 

The Cherrytree does have tags but is using also parent names as tags
when searching. In that sense I also use parent names.

If I have hierarchy FFMPEG / Concatenate, I would find
"Concatenate" by searching for FFMPEG.

Additionally FFMPEG could have tags tags such as VIDEO and if the tag
is also included in collection of candidates then "Concatenate" gets
found by using VIDEO.

> I have a few stored agenda searches and a couple of customised agenda
> views, plus I frequently make use of the tags to do ad hoc searches. I
> have also defined additional TODO states (TODO, NEXT, STARTED, HOLD,
> DELEGATED, CANCELLED and DONE). Some are setup to prompt for an
> additional note e.g. DELEGATED to let me specify who it is delegated to
> and HOLD to specify why it is on hold).

Currently I am researching "NEXT" and how people are thinking and
trying to see if I miss some concepts. My approach seem to be
simpler. There is project and there are tasks in their most logical
chronological or executable order just as a program. One has to do
first one, then next. Which one is next is clear from the order of
tasks. Marking it "NEXT" to me seem redundant as it would mean I have
not made good order.

If the type of heading is "task" then I do not need to use "TODO" as
it implies it is task. But Org headings do not have fixed types so it
is visually and practically better to use TODO. Here would the
inheritance be useful more than to tags. As if user marks one heading
as TODO, then all subtrees could automatically get its TODO.

To me tags are classifying the task. While tags can also classify tags
to be action, tags do not represent type of the task, rather group or
groups where task belongs.

The type of the task such as TODO personally means action. Something
to do. If a heading would have type of TODO then all inherited
subtrees could automatically have type of TODO. I do not know if that
exists in the Org.

Personally I like all nodes to be individually characterized. They
belong to the parent, but the nodes can be anything. Parent heading
could indicate that subtree are nodes of actions (TODO), but among
those could be headings with text, articles, media that are not
TODO. As those could be helpful nodes for the subtree. And user could
by one key press choose those which have action assigned (TODO or other).

These thoughts are not related to you Tim, it is just personal opinion
on various approaches with the goal to enhance by brainstorming our
further organization.

Since several days, due to the brainstorming with other people I have
significantly improved personal organization.

The DELEGATED type, I have seen people using this and myself also. But
if something is fully delegated and not any more mine, then I would
not have it in my file. So it is something usually that I have to
think of. Many of the tasks I think of are already assigned, I could
call it delegated. And I keep property :ASSIGNED: under the Org
heading. When I wish to send this task, I press one key and it is
automatically sent to the person assigned. But I am one supervising it.

Because it is assigned it is not necessary personally to write
"DELEGATED". It is TODO, just obviously assigned. DELEGATED seem like
a subtype of a task to me. Additionally task may be assigned to
defined groups of people.

By using this approach one can assign tasks:

#+TITLE: My Org File
#+PROPERTY: ASSIGNED_ALL James Jane John Juda Mehdi

** TODO Negotiate with land owner

Now when one does {C-c C-x p} the minibuffer prompt asks for
"Property: " and there is ASSIGNED available as one of choices.

In the next step it asks user for ASSIGNED value, and there are
choices such as James Jane John Juda and Mehdi. Then it becomes like

** TODO Negotiate with land owner
   :ASSIGNED: Mehdi

This way the major type TODO does not change, but one knows that it is
assigned or delegated to Mehdi.


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