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Re: Raw Org AST snippets for "impossible" markup

From: Max Nikulin
Subject: Re: Raw Org AST snippets for "impossible" markup
Date: Mon, 3 Jan 2022 21:34:16 +0700
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On 10/12/2021 05:27, Juan Manuel Macías wrote:
Juan Manuel Macías writes:

Jumping into the "real world", how about these two examples of nested emphasis?

By the way, what do you think about allowing the use of some kind of
aliases, so that the aspect is less verbose?

I have no particular opinion concerning aliases, but certainly they should not work through string search and replace when parsed tree is available.

   (defun orgia--transform-path (path)
       (insert path)
       (mapc (lambda (el)
              (orgia-replace (concat "(" (car el) "::") (concat "(" (cadr el) " () 

By the way, is there any problem with `replace-regexp-in-string'?

See the attached file for definitions of some helper functions. Final setup:

#+begin_src elisp :results silent
  (setq orgia-demo-alias-alist
        '((b . bold)
          (i . italic)
          (s . strike-through)
          (_ . underline)))

  (defun orgia-demo-alias-post-filter (node &optional _children)
    (when (listp node)
      (let ((sym (and (symbolp (car node))
                      (assq (car node) orgia-demo-alias-alist))))
        (when sym
          (setcar node (cdr sym)))))

  (defun orgia-demo-alias (tree)
    (orgia-transform-tree-deep tree nil #'orgia-demo-alias-post-filter))

#+begin_src elisp :results silent
  (require 'ox)
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-parse-tree-functions #'orgia-parse-tree-filter)
  (org-link-set-parameters "orgia")

  (require 'ob-org)
  (add-to-list 'orgia-transform-functions #'orgia-demo-alias)

And a bit modified your test sample:

#+begin_src org :results latex :results replace
[[orgia:(i nil "The English versions of the " (b nil (i () "Iliad")) " and the " (b () (i ()

#+begin_export latex
\emph{The English versions of the \textbf{\emph{Iliad}} and the \textbf{\emph{Odyssey}}}

Attachment: orgia-draft.el
Description: Text Data

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