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[emms-help] ogginfo problem

From: Lucas Bonnet
Subject: [emms-help] ogginfo problem
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 11:13:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.51 (gnu/linux)

Hello !

I noticed a hardcoded string in `emms-info-ogginfo' :
"User comments section follows..."

However, on my computer, configured for a French environment, ogginfo output
looks like :

Débit nominal : 256,000000 kb/s
Pas de débit maximal indiqué
Pas de débit minimal indiqué
Les commentaires de l'utilisateur suivent...  <-- culprit
        ALBUM=la grande roue
        TITLE=elle venait d'avoir 13 ans
Vorbis stream 1:
        Total data length: 5742477 bytes
        Playback length: 3m:05.186s
        Average bitrate: 248,073022 kbps
Fin du flux logique 1

Would it be possible to try to parse the info otherwise ? Or better, to
force a language environment when calling ogginfo ?


Lucas, school started, eyes still aching, woohoo

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