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[Fab-user] csh options to behave like 'bash -l -c'

From: Sergi
Subject: [Fab-user] csh options to behave like 'bash -l -c'
Date: Mon, 13 Jul 2009 17:24:06 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090318)


I am trying to start a deploying project across some freebsd machines
using fabric.
I started by running a simple fabfile and 'run()' command didn't work:

fab --show=everything remot GRAFICS
[ramoneta] run: ls
[ramoneta] err: ls: No such file or directory.

Fatal error: run() encountered an error (return code 1) while executing 'ls'


after a bit of documentation reading I noticed that env.shell defaults
to '/bin/bash -l -c'. The problem is that freebsd shell users default to
I compiled the bash port, changed env.shell to '/usr/local/bin/bash -l
-c' and my fabfile.py ran smoothly.
Problem is I can't apply the same arguments with 'csh' and I can't
figure out matching arguments even looking at 'man csh'.

Is there anything I can do to be able to use 'csh' or I have to switch
to bash to do my deployments?

Thanks for your help,

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