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Re: [Fab-user] Status update

From: Christian Vest Hansen
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] Status update
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2011 22:06:07 +0200

On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 18:23, Jeff Forcier <address@hidden> wrote:
On Wed, Jun 15, 2011 at 10:08 PM, Travis Swicegood <address@hidden> wrote:

> As a side note, Pull Requests will help here in my opinion.

I thought I mentioned this earlier, but if not, yes: pull requests and
commit comments and so forth are definite +1s for moving to Github.

> It's somewhat
> easier to write long, very well thought out defenses for a particular
> implementation.  It's another thing entirely to write out the code.

But I *like* writing long well thought out defenses! ;) (I agree that
for the most part a discussion centered around code sounds better, and
Issues/Wiki can fill in as needed for truly non-obvious design

> Fresh starts are always a good thing.  I'd say lock Redmine, throw up a link
> redirecting people to @fabric/fabric and pull over what's needed as it's
> determined that it's needed.

That is the obvious choice, but I worry about confusing newbies, and
forcing users of all levels to have to search 2x issue trackers.
People sometimes don't bother searching the 1 tracker we have now,
having 2 would raise the due-diligence barrier that much more.

I still have to see what options exist for migrating (fully or
ticket-by-ticket) and am somewhat optimistic about prior-art given the
popularity of both platforms.

TL;DR: What Travis said.
If someone want to search an issue tracker, he will look around, find one and search it thinking it's the only one there is for the project.
Making the github tracker the easiest one to find would reduce the confusion, but then things in the redmine tracker won't be found.
So if you want things to be found, then migrating them is probably a good idea.
That is my tuppence-worth humble opinion anyway.

> On a semi-related note -- are you planning on moving over to the @fabric
> Organization instead of your personal account?

I'd like to, but not sure. On one hand it'll already be a big shakeup
so it'd be a good time; on the other, as above, it'd add that much
*more* confusion for contributors (and thus more work for me and any
other admins, not to mention potentially lost contribution, though
that is less of a problem) about where to look for / submit things.

I spotted that github just released a feature for transferring repos from user accounts into org accounts. People still have to update their remotes, but that is easy to do once you know how.

> P.S.  Do I get to update my signature to be the Patron Saint of Fabric?  Not
> sure if I qualify as a true patron saint, but it'd still be a cool title.

Sadly I think Christian still retains that title but if you want to
fight him for it, I think I can rent out a warehouse some evening ;)

Haha. I think Presiding Patriarch of Fabric is a fitting title for Jeff. :)

Jeff Forcier
Unix sysadmin; Python/Ruby engineer

Fab-user mailing list

Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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