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Re: [Fab-user] existing SSH tunnel

From: Carlos García
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] existing SSH tunnel
Date: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:48:08 +0100

Hi Martin,

if I have unterstood your question, that's perfectly possible, as fabric uses SSH to access remote servers and execute tasks. So, if you create a reverse tunnel as this:

ssh -R localhost:5555:localhost:22 your_server

You can use fabric as this on your_server:

fab -H localhost --port 5555 your_task

If you're using fabric from another server that access to your_server, you must configure the sshd daemon on your_server to allow you to create sockets that listens for remote connections. I think it's not allowed by default. Also, your reverse tunnel should be done like this:

ssh -R your_server:5555:localhost:22 your_server


ssh -R *:5555:localhost:22 your_server

And fabric command would be:

fab -H your_server --port 5555 your_task

Hope it helps!


2014-10-26 20:18 GMT+01:00 Martin Enzinger <address@hidden>:

if a client is located behind a firewall I usually set up a reverse tunnel between the client and a remote server and then connect via the remote server to the client.

Is it possible to use fabric this way?

If a reverse tunnel (remote server <-> client) is initiated by the client, can fabric somehow access the client and do its magic?

I have full access to the remote server.

Thanks, best regards

Fab-user mailing list

Carlos García
Director de Operaciones
Tel. 695 624 167 - 902 620 100

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