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Re: [fluid-dev] initialFilterFC question

From: Antoine Schmitt
Subject: Re: [fluid-dev] initialFilterFC question
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 2004 11:25:55 +0200

:::::::::26/07/04::::14:54 -0600::::Josh Green:::::::::
I imagine you are probably looking to set the absolute value of the
generator, rather than an offset. So perhaps thats whats wrong? From the
API docs it does say that the fluid_synth_set_gen() function offsets the
existing value, so it does seem the function does what it should be
doing (at least from a brief look at it).

So it seems that the cause of my problem is a mix of internal fluidsynth bug about NRPN absolute/relative values and of the way I call the fluid generator functions. I think I will wait for Peter to come back from holidays and explain things to me clearly ;-) Except if some kind soul want to dig into this. These generator values, nrpn and mod are quite complex if one does not have the big picture in mind.
Thanks for the help,

++ as

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