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Using Cheetah with Pooma

From: Jeffrey Oldham
Subject: Using Cheetah with Pooma
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 21:13:18 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

Here are the steps I used to compile Pooma with Cheetah on my
uniprocessor Linux machine.

1. Since I am using a uniprocessor Linux computer, I need to use the
shared memory library mm with Cheetah.

a. Obtain a tarball from
b. tar xzvf mm-1.1.3.tar.gz
   cd mm-1.1.3
c. declare -x CC=/home/oldham/gcc-install/gcc1/bin/gcc
        # I wanted to use my gcc3.0 so I declared its location.
        # Otherwise, some default compiler is used.
d. ./configure --prefix=${HOME}/pooma/mm-1.1.3
        # I wanted the resulting files to be placed in the specified directory.
e. make -j 3
   make -j 3 test       # prints success if all tests pass
   make -j 3 install

2. Install the Cheetah code.

a. Obtain a tarball from
   tar xzvf cheetah-1.0.tgz
   cd cheetah-1.0
b. Modify the source code for correct compilation:
  i. Append "*/" to line 9 of src/Utilities/i386-lock.s
  ii. I copied the attached LINUXgcc.conf to config.
        # Modify all lines containing "oldham" to have proper values for you.
  iii. Modify configure using the attached patch.
c. Configure:
  ./configure --noex --arch LINUXgcc --shmem --nompi --prefix 
        # `--noex' specifies no exceptions
        # QUESTION: Should we use exceptions for Pooma and Cheetah?
        # `--shmem' specifies use of the mm package
        # `--nompi' specifies no use of MPI
        # `--prefix' specifies where to install cheetah
d. Compile.
   cd lib/LINUXgcc
   make -j 3
   make -j 3 tests
   make install

3. Compile Pooma with Cheetah specified.

a. Modify ~/pooma/pooma0/src/config/LINUXgcc.conf by specifying Cheetah's 
b. ./configure --messaging --arch LINUXgcc --suite LINUXgcc --opt
        # --messaging indicates use of Cheetah
c. declare -x POOMASUITE=LINUXgcc && make -j 3

Jeffrey D. Oldham

Attachment: configure.patch
Description: Text document

Attachment: LINUXgcc.conf
Description: Text document

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