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RE: [pooma-dev] Regression test failures

From: James Crotinger
Subject: RE: [pooma-dev] Regression test failures
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 13:19:04 -0600

>   These fail with this assertion:
>   ### POOMA Assertion Failure ###
>   ### RemoteProxy<bool>(success).value()
>   ### File /users/mitchell/dev/r2/src/IO/FileSetReader.cpp; Line 288.
>   Jim, do these tests need input of some kind?  If so, can we get the
>   input checked into CVS, so that we can run the tests automatically?

These attempt to read a nirvana-format file set. Unfortunately, the Linux compilers don't pack data into a struct the same way that the Win32 and SGI compilers do, and thus the failure. These will continue to fail until I modify FileSetReader/FileSetWriter to write a machine-independent file format (i.e. I'm going to make it so that everyone writes out the same structure as is written on nirvana, except perhaps with byte-reversal). This is the simpler of the two tasks that I'd like to spend a bit of time on this week. Unfortunately, Greg is pinging us daily about some new stuff we're working on, which makes it a bit difficult to squeeze in time on Pooma.

Oh, I should mention that these tests do need input - the input files are generated by FileSetReaderTest0. With make, the files are generated in the correct place (the $SUITE directory). With other build systems, you need to run FileSetReaderTest0 and then move/copy the files to the appropriate places for FileSetReaderTest{1,2}.


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