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[FR-devel] FR development environment HOWTO

From: Laurent Julliard
Subject: [FR-devel] FR development environment HOWTO
Date: Fri, 17 May 2002 08:47:24 -0400
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Curt Hibbs where he announced that the next version of FreeRIDE is about to be released (Thanks Curt!!). I guess this is going to be a new start for many of the developers who subscribed to this mailing list over the past 3 months and I thought they may find it usefull to have a recap on our development environment


The FR project is hosted on the Savannah Web site at:

If you want to participate to the FR development effort you must first create your own account on Savannah and then send me an email with your login name so that I can add you to the project member list.

The CVS repository for FR is also on Savannah. To access the CVS repo look at the instructions on the following page:

Again if you want to commit any changes to the CVS repo you must first become a member of the Savannah project.

For thos eof you working on Windows you must also install SSH on your machine to gain write access to the CVS repo (Developer access). The SourceForge guys have a number of good documents on how to set up SSH on a Windows box. Look at section #6 on the following page:


The project admininstrator for FR are currently Curt Hibbs, Rich Kilmer and myself. If you have any question on the FR development environment then ask us or preferably post your message on the fr-devel mailing list.


There is no real coding guidelines in place for the moment. This may come later on.

However we would like to draw your attention on the fact that FR-devel aims at becoming THE cross-platform IDE of choice for the Ruby community. This implies that the code must work on all platforms out of the box or at least on Windows and Linux to start with. So try and make sure you do not introduce Windows or Linux specific jargon in your code.

I think that's it for the moment. Feel free to ask any question you may have before the real work starts.

Hope this helps

Laurent JULLIARD - Xerox R&T/SSTC/XPA - Open Source team
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