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Re: [FR-devel] Introducing the notion of project in 0.6.0?

From: Richard Kilmer
Subject: Re: [FR-devel] Introducing the notion of project in 0.6.0?
Date: Sun, 11 May 2003 22:27:14 -0400

Laurent, et al-

I really want to do this. Its the main thing I wanted to work on in FreeRIDE from the beginning, but we needed to lay the foundation first. I would welcome all ideas on this from folks in the community. I have been giving this lots of thought and want this to be a major contribution by me to the FreeRIDE effort.

As with all things, we can do this quite simply, or do it innovatively. As we did with the databus/freebase stuff, I would lean toward an innovative approach, and its this that I want to work on. The main idea is to track the 'context' of the project far beyond what is traditionally managed as context. I want to deliver something that enables a (freebase) plugin architecture for adding context into a project and look at all things in FreeRIDE through that project context (including file access, version control, etc). Anyway, I needed to rev the Scintilla stuff first (which I have now done) and now feel free to work on my vision (openly/iteratively/etc) and have it ready (first rev) for my O'Reilly OSCON presentation on FreeRIDE (July 10th).

Does that sound cool to everyone?



On Saturday, May 10, 2003, at 04:35  PM, Laurent Julliard wrote:


Before I embark into fixing a couple of "bugs" which are actually feature enhancement I'd like to have your opinion about whether we should introduce the notion of "Project" before we go any further.

Most IDEs today operate under a project umbrella and when you start those IDEs the first thing you must do is to create a new/open an existing project environment.

If I refer to the Java IDEA IntellIJ product you can't de anything before you have defined a project. In FR I see a project has having the following properties:
- A Full name
- A file name (xxxx.frp - frp = FreeRIDE Project)
- A source path (where the Ruvy source for this project is located). Can be multiple pathes - A "class path", that we should call include path I guess which where to find the various required module (other than the path already available in the ruby interpreter used for that project)
- Which Ruby interpreter to use

OF course many of the properties that are saved globally in FR today will be saved under a given project context (e.g. the set of open files in the editor when you open the project again, the breakpoint that were placed there,etc...)

I'd like to hear from you. Please contribute your ideas/comments/how to implement it,etc...



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