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[fsf-community-team] Introduction

From: Matthew Davidson
Subject: [fsf-community-team] Introduction
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2009 08:40:28 +1100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090817)


My name is Matthew Davidson, and my special talents are enjoying the sound of my own voice, and procrastination. I'd like to say I haven't read anybody else's introductions yet so as to avoid inadvertently plagiarising here, but really I just haven't gotten around to it yet.

My introduction to free software came about by needing a free-as-in-beer programming language (I settled on Perl), and while avoiding work one day I read the copy of the GPL - specifically the preamble - that came with it. I was literally thrown back in my chair by the world-changing implications of that text.

On a personal level, I was also excited by the way the free software movement showed that it was possible to take up a trade and work ethically and in pursuit of desirable social goals, rather than confining one's ethical concerns to philanthropy or weekend radicalism. On reflection, I'm shocked that I should have found this a novel idea.

At around this time, the open source movement had just started, and despite hearing about free software first, the sheer amount of attention that open source proponents were attracting led me to a hold a few of the still-common erroneous beliefs that "open source" encourages (or at least doesn't discourage) for longer than I'd like to admit. I'm therefore quite sensitive to the distinction between the free software and open source movements, the importance of having a clear understanding of the issues involved, and making it (politely) clear to people on which side of the fence you sit. It's also necessary to accept with some degree of equanimity that inevitably someone somewhere will eventually, and probably quite often, call you a zealot.

Last year RMS asked for volunteers to help him out by separating signal from noise on Slashdot and Boingboing. As my non-tech interests seem pretty close to his, I have been emailing him the most interesting links from BoingBoing two or three times a week ever since.

Most of the other blogs/aggregators I used to follow regularly (Slashdot, FSDaily, etc.) have largely fallen by the wayside due to the frightful Identica addiction I've developed (http://identi.ca/freemjd). A while ago, I successfully cajoled Matt Lee into piping the "Political Notes" RSS feed from stallman.org into the formerly inactive account at http://identi.ca/rms.

By virtue of being the only person who turns up to every meeting, I'm seen as a leader of the unfortunately named http://clublinux.org.au local user group. In the new year I'll be proposing adopting the LibrePlanet moniker for the group. I'd much rather be spending my time helping complete newbies run free software on their Windows computers (for now) than "helping" people run proprietary software on an operating system they think is called "Linux".

I consider myself a not-very-active member of the Drupal community. I never intended to be much of a hacker, having a fairly old and mushy brain, but necessity has been driving me in that direction. I'm trying to address that problem by running a local Drupal user/developer group (http://groups.drupal.org/taxonomy/term/7117) and mentoring people younger and smarter than me who I hope to eventually rely upon to do the clever stuff.

As a web developer, a particular interest is where the ethical concerns of the free software touch upon related non-software domains. The FSF has to date avoided many strategic pitfalls by deliberately keeping a narrow focus on the freedoms relevant to users of software who have this software installed on a device they own. This has helped prevent the mis-steps that organisations with a wider scope have made (*cough* creativecommons *cough*), but I'm not sure whether this can be sustained in future.

While I am sympathetic to RMS's opinions on the inadvisability of use of third-party services in place of your own software, being both a provider of and user of such services, I'm forced to recognise that there is often a need for them which is impractical to satisfy by wholly user-owned solutions.

All else being equal, it is preferable to own your own infrastructure, but all else is rarely equal. For instance, due to public policy in my country which dictates that network connectivity should be priced as a luxury commodity rather than a public utility, it makes much more sense for the data transferred a crow-flying distance of perhaps a few kilometers between my clients and their clients on the east coast of Australia to be routed through a hosting service in Seattle.

In such circumstances clearly my hosting provider has a moral responsibility to deliver some degree of freedom to me with respect to what they provide, and in turn I owe the same to my clients. I find the work the Autonomous group is doing in this area very interesting (http://autonomo.us/2008/07/franklin-street-statement/).

As society comes to consider how the ethical concerns behind the four freedoms of free software might be reformulated for remote services, data, protocols, formats, academic and cultural works, and so on, I think it is important for the FSF to play a significant role. I am dismayed to find for example that movements for free access to government data are overwhelmingly explaining their goals by analogy with open source rather than free software, or worse, by analogy with "Web 2.0", a term not only devoid of any ethical import, but without any intelligible meaning whatsoever. These discussions should principally be about the responsibilities of governments towards their citizens, not about how cool it is to do a "mashup", and how government departments can benefit from having a Facebook account.

I could go on, and in fact I already have, at interminable length, but instead I'll take a few deep breaths, think happy thoughts, and respond to the following:

    * Excerpt: Richard Stallman started the FSF in order to promote
open source software like the Linux operating system, as an
alternative to expensive software like Windows.

The problem that Richard Stallman set out to address in the 1980's was not that some software was expensive, but that copyright was being used to impose restrictions on the ways people could use software. These restrictions meant that there were important things that you could not do with your software _at any price_.

In response he started a project to assemble a "free software" operating system, which could be distributed freely (either gratis or for a fee - the freedom to charge for the service of producing and distributing copies of free software is useful) with none of those unethical restrictions. He called this system GNU. Much of this system was written especially for the GNU project, but many components were written by other projects and distributed as free software, so the GNU project could use them in their operating system. One such component is Linux.

Linux is an operating system "kernel"; the part of an operating system that enables the other parts to talk to each other and to the computer's hardware. It is a relatively small part of the GNU operating system, but a vital one. It is so important that many people began referring to the GNU operating system as "Linux". This is not only technically incorrect, and fails to give credit for much of the work in creating the GNU system to the proper party, it also allows people to ignore the moral philosophy that inspired the creation of the system.

To address this widespread misunderstanding, and to give credit to the third party who created such an important part of the system, the GNU project adopted the name GNU/Linux for the GNU operating system when distributed with the Linux kernel. There is no such thing as an operating system called Linux.

The Free Software Foundation (FSF) was formed to support the work of the GNU project, to educate people about the ethical issues around computer technology, and to advocate on behalf of the free software movement.

The open source movement, which formed in the late 1990's, is another movement entirely. People who identify as members of the open source movement develop, use, and promote the use of free software (although they call it "open source software"), but only because they believe that free software can often be technically superior to non-free ("proprietary") software. By implication they would - and often explicitly they do - say that where proprietary software is more convenient for your short-term requirements, you should use proprietary software. We in the free software movement recognise that in the long term such advice would be harmful to you and society in general, so we consider it morally unjustifiable.

    * Excerpt: Now with cloud computing and web-based applications,
even Linux users can use the same software as everyone else, through
their browsers. With other popular programs like Skype and Adobe Flash
producing Linux versions, the Linux desktop may finally be catching

The significant benefits of using a free software operating system like GNU/Linux lie not in the range of software available to run on it, but the freedom you have to customise, improve, and share these programs, provided they are free software.

Giving up these freedoms is never a good thing - not even if you have the convenience of doing so via your web browser.

There are free software equivalents of almost any popular proprietary software you are likely to use (http://directory.fsf.org). Some free software projects require support in software development, or even just promotion, in order to be seen as viable replacements for some popular proprietary programs. We encourage you to support projects such as those on the FSF High Priority Free Software Projects list (http://www.fsf.org/campaigns/priority.html), rather than surrendering your freedom to support proprietary software vendors.

    * Excerpt: When combined with the other chapters that include
statutory damages, search and seizure powers for border guards,
anti-camcording rules, and mandatory disclosure of personal
information requirements, it is clear that there is no bigger
intellectual property issue today than the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade
Agreement being negotiated behind closed doors this week in Korea.

While the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement is a serious issue, it cannot be said to be an "intellectual property" issue, at least if you want to think in a clear and unbiased way about it.

"Intellectual property" is a propaganda term. Whether ideas can be considered property is highly debatable. Using this term when discussing public policy with regard to copyright, patents, or any other area of law lumped together as "intellectual property" means that you have already dismissed a large part of the debate in favour of one side before you have even started.

Moreover the disparate areas of law that "intellectual property" implies are similar are actually very different mechanisms designed to perform very different tasks. Copyright law is intended to encourage creativity, patent law is intended to encourage public disclosure of what would otherwise be trade secrets, and so on.

Please use the term "copyright" when talking about copyright, "patents" when talking about patents, and so on. To do otherwise is to confuse your readers and cloud your own thinking.

Congratulations to anybody who managed to read this far.


http://mjd.almatech.net.au http://identi.ca/freemjd http://microblog.ourcoffs.org.au/mjd
http://groups.ourcoffs.org.au/groups/drupallers http://computerclub.ourcoffs.org.au http://www.clublinux.org.au
http://www.almatech.net.au http://coffs.free.net.au
Own your own computer. Don't use Windows 7. http://windows7sins.org

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