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Re: [glob2-devel] Threads ?

From: Stephane Magnenat
Subject: Re: [glob2-devel] Threads ?
Date: Tue, 10 May 2005 17:01:35 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.8


> I have been looking into the Globulation2 code a little, and of cause
> played the game i little too, and I like the framework.

Cool :-):-)

> I know that the engine need to be synchronous also regarding network
> comm., but it seems to me that the sound and GUI part don't need to be
> that synchronous, as it is only humans in the other end.

You are right.

> So why not use threads for at least the GUI/sound system (keep these two
> synchronous) and the game loop, and then later maybe make a thread for
> networking too (that insert commands into the main engine).
> Also, the sound stream would get rid of this nagging "clicking" noise,
> because of the game loop.

The sound, with SDL, is threaded. A function is called when the sound buffer 
has to be filled.

> Would this  be a nice thing to have, or does anyone need globulation as
> a single thread game for some unknown reason ?

There is little sense at threading video as what is displayed is only computed 
by the core engine, so displaying twice the same frame is quite irrelevant. 
Perhaps we could implement a drop-frame feature, but as with GL the display 
takes only a very small amount of CPU, I don't thing that's critical for now.

> Btw. are there any comment policy in the source code, besides no
> comments :-):-) ?

Well, feel free to add them when you feel it is necessary :-):-)

Thanks for your interest in glob2, have fun,


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