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[glob2-devel] graphic standardization: buildings discussion

From: dryad
Subject: [glob2-devel] graphic standardization: buildings discussion
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2009 15:42:19 +0100 (BST)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.9a

i'm making a document for the graphic standard of globulation

before writing it all i'd like your opinion on some stuff.

today we talk about 2D buildings:^^
(for the buildings we should define the limits of the engine first, so we
can have a clear idea on how to start)

each building must have 3 sets per tier:

each set must have 2 images
base rgba (the common graphic)
player rgba (the player area)

player rgba is defined by the green channel and the alpha channel.

the create graphic must be a unique set for each building
(actually some shares a common graphic, some others don't, quite randomly)

the damaged graphic must be present in each building with just 1 set
(now some don't have, some have 2, some others have 1)

the corner of the buildings is cropped at a diagonal of 32 pixels
ie the top left corner as a cropped triangle with a diagonal side from 0
32 to 32 0
the crop has an 8 pixels margin (for not being too strict)
the only exception is the wall, being on a single 32x32 square.

graphic must be tiled in a single file for each set.


a single file will contain for example:

a dynamically configuration file should be added for the stats of the
if not for each stat, at least for the graphical ones.


tier1b:defencetowerb1   (base rgba)
tier1p:defencetowerp1   (player rgba)
tier1w:64               (width)
tier1h:64               (height)

a simple for cycle will get the 3 different states of the building for
each tier.

this will drop down the number of files for each building from 18 to 6.

(same is for the terrain, dropping from 256 to 1)

the light, as for the rest of the game, comes from a direction of -30H -60P
you can use the application on my site in case you need quaternions.

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