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Re: [Gm2] Returning a string constant

From: Andreas Fischlin
Subject: Re: [Gm2] Returning a string constant
Date: Mon, 03 Nov 2008 12:25:47 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20080914)

Hear, hear.

Indeed, there would be much one could say and add on this topic. I with to thank also Iztok for sharing his experiences with us. I could offer similar experiences from RAMSES, an environment involving many layers of software elements, currently at roughly 3/4 Million lines of source code. In a nutshell, our productivity was two to three times higher than the average software engineering productivity and the overall quality of the end product was significantly higher and more satisfying, due to correctness of the code, when compared with commercial products of a similar nature, e.g. SimuLink from MathWorks. I believe this was to a signifanct part thanks to using Modula-2 for the core and the most demanding software parts of RAMSES. Anyone interested in more, here is the link to start with where you can find possibly lots of useful ideas, including software (all freeware):

The main conclusing for me is to simply second what Gaius has already emphasized from Iztok's contribution:
So, Gaius - please, keep GM2 clean, mean and lean, strictly inside
standards, and thus allow modula-2 another chance in programming world.
Its simplicity and safety should show that its use pays off !

Gaius Mulley wrote:
Iztok Kobal <address@hidden> writes:

So, Gaius - please, keep GM2 clean, mean and lean, strictly inside
standards, and thus allow modula-2 another chance in programming world.
Its simplicity and safety should show that its use pays off !

Regards !


Hi Iztok,

thanks for the interesting case history and examples.  I'll try and
resist any new features - I'm currently aiming to finish the ISO
implementation in the compiler and the ISO libraries and then release
1.0.  There will be quite a few minor releases along this path.

Interestingly Eric Raymond is writing a paper on C++ considered

When writing programs in C++ I find I have to implement the solution
roughly 3x before I'm happy with the result - maybe due to my lack of
familiarity compared to other languages (C, M2 maybe).  But on the
other hand I don't really think this is the case as I find Python a
delight and I've written much more C++ than Python.

In the above blog the authors talk about the very best programming
languages facilitating "flow".  I can relate to this with Modula-2
and Python (nearly with C, but not when cross module boundaries :-)


gm2 mailing list

Dr. Andreas Fischlin, Ph.D., Group Director

Terrestrial Systems Ecology
Institute of Integrative Biology: Ecology, Evolution, Infectious Disease
Department of Environmental Sciences, ETH Zurich

ETH Zurich, CHN E21.1
8092 Zurich, Switzerland

Phone: +41 44 633-6090 / Fax: +41 44 633-1136

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