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Re: CVS update: 6510 driver SMS sending support

From: Marcin Wiacek
Subject: Re: CVS update: 6510 driver SMS sending support
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 09:54:42 +0200

> I added SMS sending support to the nk6510 driver. The code itself is
> -- Nokia totally changed FBUS SMS frame for sending when comparing to
> 6210/6110. Well, not that I am surprised -- I already got used to such
> things. Some octets meaning is still not known. That this magic I used
> the code. Also I didn't decrypt return frame meaning.
Does it mean, that Nokia changed locations for some things (let's say
TPPID byte is in different place, etc.), but also bits in concrete bytes
and some bytes are not coded according to ETSI ?

Pozdrowienia/Best Regards
Marcin Wiacek (mailto:address@hidden,,

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