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[Gnu-arch-users] viewarch displays no archives

From: Stig Brautaset
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] viewarch displays no archives
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 2004 01:35:47 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i


I'm wondering if anybody could shed some light on this problem I'm
seeing with viewarch. I've tried both version 0.0.6 and 0.0.5 (thinking
that maybe the bleeding edge version was subtly broken).

Basically, after running through the install proceduce (which, by the
way, is very simple) I follow the directions and run -x.
This took some time and produced a cache, so I take it I got the
configuration settings right.

However, when I access viewarch.cgi all I get is an empty "Registerd
archive list". I've tried to find out what could be wrong for some time
now, and could need a hint. :)

The steps I took:
 - I set the hashbang to /usr/bin/python2.3 in the install-script. 
 - I installed to /home/stig/viewarch
 - In viewarch.conf I changed:
   - tla_homedir = /tmp/test (I copied my ~/.arch-params to that
     directory and removed all but a few local archive listings).
   - tla_abspath = /home/stig/bin/tla
 - I then linked to viewarch.cgi from my cgi dir
 - Pointing a browser to the page gives the expected output if no
   archives were registered[0] -- there is simply no archive list.
[0] it's unfortunately not publicly available -- i'm testing this out on
    my laptop



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