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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: Pristines depending on library order

From: Miles Bader
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Pristines depending on library order
Date: 06 Jan 2004 17:29:17 +0900

Aaron Bentley <address@hidden> writes:
> "tla changes" produces pristines if my non-greedy library is listed 
> first in the revision library path.  If the greedy library's first, the 
> revision is automatically added to the greedy library.
> I believe the desirable behaviour is for it to always be auto-added.

Hmmm, I also seem to seem this behavior in a slightly different case:
if tla, for whatever reason, can't access the first library in the path.

In my case it's because I have two greedy revision libraries, one on the
local disk, and one in NFS.  I'd like to use the local library when
possible, but on some machines I don't have access to the local disk, so
the NFS revlib is better than a pristine.  However, in the second case
it currently just goes and creates a pristine instead.

[I have a common homedir, and thus arch configuration, on all these
machines, something which I don't want to change.]

80% of success is just showing up.  --Woody Allen

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