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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Pull / Push based Mirror

From: Mark A. Flacy
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] Pull / Push based Mirror
Date: 23 Feb 2004 22:54:13 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

>>>>> "John" == John F Meinel <address@hidden> writes:
John> So far, the only difference I can see is that if you create a "pull"
John> you have to register the original archive as <archive>-SOURCE, and
John> then you reference the local one as <archive>, while a "push" based
John> archive, you register the original as <archive>, and then the local
John> one is referenced as <archive>-MIRROR.
John> Since you can't commit to a mirror anyway, what is the advantage?

Consider NAT firewalls into private LANs.

I maintain a mirror of my work archive at home.  I maintain a mirror of my
home archive (some categories only, actually) at work.

Given my firewall rules, I am able to tunnel into work and access my work
machine from home.  I am not able to access my home machine from work.  As
a result, I pull the work archive into a mirror at home and push the home
archive into a mirror at work.

 Mark A. Flacy
 Any opinions expressed above are my own.  Any facts expressed above
 are, ummm, facts.

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