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Re: [Gnu-arch-users] "tla commit" generates a patch-set even if there ar

From: Julian T. J. Midgley
Subject: Re: [Gnu-arch-users] "tla commit" generates a patch-set even if there are no changes
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 14:25:40 +0000 (UTC)

In article <address@hidden>,
Aaron Bentley  <address@hidden> wrote:
>Julian T. J. Midgley wrote:
>>>Perhaps you could explain why the defaults are unwise?  What's the harm 
>>>in an accidental empty commit, aside from a little embarassment?
>> Conversely, perhaps you could explain the benefits?  So far, I see
>> none (provided --force is available to allow the commit when it is
>> needed).
>The harm comes from changing the default behavior.  I have scripts that 
>I run from cron that would be broken by that change.  tla isn't very 
>user-friendly.  Scripts can make it smoother.  Let's not make tla 
>script-unfriendly too.

A little disingenuity is in danger of creeping in here.  tla with a
"--force" option to commit would be no more or less
"script-unfriendly" than it is now.  Your existing scripts would
merely need to be changed to use the option.  It would certainly be
a little more "user-friendly", however.

In arguing against the proposed change, you appear to be putting some
inconvenience to yourself (and others with similar scripts) now ahead
of the annoyance caused by a poorly chosen default to the thousands of
developers who start to use tla in the future.

Sometimes, I admit, network effects can be so great that an otherwise
sensible change cannot be made for the difficulty it would cause
elsewhere - it seems, this early in tla's life, however, that that
point hasn't yet been reached, and it would be a pity to avoid
smoothing off the odd rough edge before tla achieves the ubiquity of
CVS for the sake of avoiding inconvenience to the early adopters.

All the best,

Julian T. J. Midgley             
Cambridge, England.
PGP: BCC7863F FP: 52D9 1750 5721 7E58 C9E1  A7D5 3027 2F2E BCC7 863F

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