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From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: fsm-0.1ttn5.el
Date: Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:30:55 +0100

greetings earthlings and Magnus Henoch,

please find below a modified version of fsm.el.  i made
the modifications to more easily support writing a proxy
server prototype (that the client wanted in C, blech).

i hope the changes are worthy of inclusion in a future
release of fsm.el.

this mail address is temporary while i regain net.bearings
after a half-year absence (i failed to renew and thus lost, drat); please remove it from replies (post to
mailing lists instead).  we'll see how things go...

btw, here is another (see Commentary for the first)
example that uses fsm.el:

;;; circle.el
;;; usage: (progn (eval-buffer) (switch-to-buffer-other-window fsm-debug))
;;; reset: (fsm-goodbye-cruel-world 'circle)
;;;        (makunbound 'circle-fsm)
;;;        (kill-buffer fsm-debug)

(require 'cl)
(load-file "./fsm-0.1ttn5.elc")

(setq fsm-debug "*c*"
      fsm-debug-timestamp-format "%T --- ")

(defvar circle-stuff nil)

    ((zzz (timeout)
          (list nil timeout))
     (nxt (state-name)
          (list state-name state-name))
     (hey (fmt &rest args)
          (apply 'fsm-debug-output (concat "----------> " fmt) args))
     (todo ()
           (cond (circle-stuff
                  (hey "circle-stuff: %S" circle-stuff)
                  (hey "((((((VACATION!))))))")
     (work ()
           (decf circle-stuff (random circle-stuff))
           (hey "                                >>> %d <<<" circle-stuff)
           (when (= 1 circle-stuff)
             (setq circle-stuff nil))))

  (define-fsm circle
    :start (() "Start a circle fsm."
            (list :up nil))
    :event-name ev
       (zzz 5))
       (nxt (when (todo) :dn))))
       (zzz 0))
       (nxt (unless (todo) :up)))))))

(setq circle-fsm (start-circle))
(fsm-send circle-fsm t)
(global-set-key "\M-r" (lambda (n) (interactive "nWork (number): ")
                         (switch-to-buffer fsm-debug)
                         (setq circle-stuff n)
                         (fsm-send circle-fsm t)))

;;; circle.el ends here

happy hacking,

;;; fsm.el --- state machine library

;; Copyright (C) 2006  Magnus Henoch

;; Author: Magnus Henoch <address@hidden>
;; Version: 0.1ttn5

;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
;; Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; fsm.el is an exercise in metaprogramming inspired by gen_fsm of
;; Erlang/OTP.  It aims to make asynchronous programming in Emacs Lisp
;; easy and fun.  By "asynchronous" I mean that long-lasting tasks
;; don't interfer with normal editing.

;; Some people say that it would be nice if Emacs Lisp had threads
;; and/or continuations.  They are probably right, but there are few
;; things that can't be made to run in the background using facilities
;; already available: timers, filters and sentinels.  As the code can
;; become a bit messy when using such means, with callbacks everywhere
;; and such things, it can be useful to structure the program as a
;; state machine.

;; In this model, a state machine passes between different "states",
;; which are actually only different event handler functions.  The
;; state machine receives "events" (from timers, filters, user
;; requests, etc) and reacts to them, possibly entering another state,
;; possibly returning a value.

;; The essential macros/functions are:
;; define-state-machine  - create start-FOO function
;; define-state          - event handler for each state (required)
;; define-enter-state    - called when entering a state (optional)
;; define-fsm            - encapsulates the above three (more sugar!)
;; fsm-send              - send an event to a state machine
;; fsm-call              - send an event and wait for reply

;; fsm.el is similar to but different from Distel:
;; <URL:>
;; Emacs' tq library is a similar idea.

;; Here is a simple (not using all the features of fsm.el) example:
;; (labels
;;     ((hey (n ev)
;;           (message "%d (%s)\tp%sn%s!" n ev
;;                    (if (zerop (% n 4)) "o" "i")
;;                    (make-string (max 1 (abs n)) ?g))))
;;   (macrolet
;;       ((zow (next timeout)
;;             `(progn (hey (incf count) event)
;;                     (list ,next count ,timeout)))
;;        (:!: (start &rest transitions)
;;             `(define-fsm pingpong
;;                :start ,start
;;                :state-data-name count
;;                :states ,(mapcar
;;                          (lambda (x)
;;                            (destructuring-bind (old new timeout) x
;;                              `(,old (:event (zow ,new ,timeout)))))
;;                          transitions))))
;;     (:!: ((init) "Start a pingpong fsm."
;;           (interactive "nInit (number, negative to auto-terminate): ")
;;           (list :ping (ash (ash init -2) 2) ; 4 is death
;;                 (when (interactive-p) 0)))
;;          (:ping   :pingg  0.1)
;;          (:pingg  :pinggg 0.1)
;;          (:pinggg :pong   1)
;;          (:pong   :ping  (if (= 0 count)
;;                              (fsm-goodbye-cruel-world 'pingpong)
;;                            3)))))
;; (fsm-send (start-pingpong -16) t)
;; Copy into a buffer, uncomment, and type M-x eval-buffer RET.
;; Alternatively, you can replace the `fsm-goodbye-cruel-world'
;; with `not', eval just the `labels' (first) form and then type
;; M-x start-pingpong RET -16 RET.

;; NOTE: This is version 0.1ttn5 of fsm.el, with the following
;; mods (an exercise in meta-meta-programming ;-) by ttn:
;; -- Refill for easy (traditional 80-column) perusal.
;; -- New var `fsm-debug-timestamp-format'.
;; -- Make variables satisfy `user-variable-p'.
;; -- Use `format' instead of `concat'.
;; -- New func `fsm-goodbye-cruel-world'.
;; -- Make start-function respect `interactive' spec.
;; -- Make enter-/event-functions anonymous.
;; -- New macro `define-fsm'.
;; -- Example usage in Commentary.
;; -- New keyword arg for `define-state-machine': START-NAME.
;; -- Make specifying `nil' for NEW-STATE re-enter the state.

;;; Code:

(eval-when-compile (require 'cl))

(defvar fsm-debug "*fsm-debug*"
  "*Name of buffer for fsm debug messages.
If nil, don't output debug messages.")

(defvar fsm-debug-timestamp-format nil
  "*Timestamp format (a string) for `fsm-debug-output'.
Default format is whatever `current-time-string' returns
followed by a colon and a space.")

(defun fsm-debug-output (format &rest args)
  "Append debug output to buffer named by `fsm-debug'.
FORMAT and ARGS are passed to `format'."
  (when fsm-debug
    (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create fsm-debug)
        (goto-char (point-max))
        (insert (if fsm-debug-timestamp-format
                    (format-time-string fsm-debug-timestamp-format)
                  (concat (current-time-string) ": "))
                (apply 'format format args) "\n")))))

(defmacro* define-state-machine (name &key start-name start sleep)
  "Define a state machine class called NAME.
A function called start-NAME is created, which uses the argument
list and body specified in the :start argument.  BODY should
return a list of the form (STATE STATE-DATA [TIMEOUT]), where
STATE is the initial state (defined by `define-state'),
STATE-DATA is any object, and TIMEOUT is the number of seconds
before a :timeout event will be sent to the state machine.  BODY
may refer to the instance being created through the dynamically
bound variable `fsm'.

START-NAME specifies another name to use instead of start-NAME.

SLEEP-FUNCTION, if provided, takes one argument, the number of
seconds to sleep while allowing events concerning this state
machine to happen.  There is probably no reason to change the
default, which is accept-process-output with rearranged

\(fn NAME :start ((ARG ...) DOCSTRING BODY) [:sleep SLEEP-FUNCTION])"
  (let ((start-name (or start-name (intern (format "start-%s" name))))
    (destructuring-bind (arglist docstring &body body) start
      (when (and (consp (car body)) (eq 'interactive (caar body)))
          (setq interactive-spec (list (pop body))))
      (unless (stringp docstring)
        (error "Docstring is not a string"))
         (put ',name :start-name ',start-name)
         (put ',name :fsm-enter (make-hash-table :size 11 :test 'eq))
         (put ',name :fsm-event (make-hash-table :size 11 :test 'eq))
         (defun ,start-name ,arglist
           (fsm-debug-output "Starting %s" ',name)
           (let ((fsm (list :fsm ',name)))
             (destructuring-bind (state state-data &optional timeout)
                 (progn ,@body)
               (nconc fsm (list :state nil :state-data nil
                                :sleep ,(or sleep (lambda (secs)
                                                     nil secs)))
                                :deferred nil))
               (fsm-update fsm state state-data timeout)

(defmacro* define-state (fsm-name state-name arglist &body body)
  "Define a state called STATE-NAME in the state machine FSM-NAME.
ARGLIST and BODY make a function that gets called when the state
machine receives an event in this state.  The arguments are:

FSM         the state machine instance (treat it as opaque)
STATE-DATA  An object
EVENT       The occurred event, an object.
CALLBACK    A function of one argument that expects the response
            to this event, if any (often `ignore' is used)

If the event should return a response, the state machine should
arrange to call CALLBACK at some point in the future (not necessarily
in this handler).

The function should return a list of the form (NEW-STATE

NEW-STATE      The next state, a symbol.  As a special case, nil
               means to re-enter the state.  See `define-enter-state'.
TIMEOUT        A number: send timeout event after this many seconds
               nil: cancel existing timer
               :keep: let existing timer continue

Alternatively, the function may return the keyword :defer, in
which case the event will be resent when the state machine enters
another state."
  `(setf (gethash ,state-name (get ',fsm-name :fsm-event))
         (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))

(defmacro* define-enter-state (fsm-name state-name arglist &body body)
  "Define a function to call when FSM-NAME enters the state STATE-NAME.
ARGLIST and BODY make a function that gets called when the state
machine enters this state.  The arguments are:

FSM         the state machine instance (treat it as opaque)
STATE-DATA  An object

The function should return a list of the form (NEW-STATE-DATA

TIMEOUT        A number: send timeout event after this many seconds
               nil: cancel existing timer
               :keep: let existing timer continue"
  `(setf (gethash ,state-name (get ',fsm-name :fsm-enter))
         (lambda ,arglist ,@body)))

(defmacro* define-fsm (name &key
                            start sleep states
                            (fsm-name 'fsm)
                            (state-data-name 'state-data)
                            (callback-name 'callback)
                            (event-name 'event))
  "Define a state machine class called NAME, along with its STATES.
This macro is (further) syntatic sugar for `define-state-machine',
`define-state' and `define-enter-state' macros, q.v.

NAME is a symbol.  Everything else is specified with a keyword arg.

START and SLEEP are the same as for `define-state-machine'.

STATES is a list, each element having the form (STATE-NAME . STATE-SPEC).
STATE-NAME is a symbol.  STATE-SPEC is an alist with keys `:event' or
`:enter', and values a series of expressions representing the BODY of
a `define-state' or `define-enter-state' call, respectively.

used to construct the state functions' arglists."
     (define-state-machine ,name :start ,start :sleep ,sleep)
     ,@(loop for (state-name . spec) in states
             if (assq :enter spec) collect
             `(define-enter-state ,name ,state-name
                (,fsm-name ,state-data-name)
                ,@(cdr it))
             if (assq :event spec) collect
             `(define-state ,name ,state-name
                (,fsm-name ,state-data-name
                ,@(cdr it))

(defun fsm-goodbye-cruel-world (name)
  "Unbind functions related to fsm NAME (a symbol).
Includes start-NAME, and each fsm-NAME-STATE and fsm-NAME-enter-STATE.
Functions are `fmakunbound', which will probably give (fatal) pause to
any state machines using them.  Return nil."
  (interactive "SUnbind function definitions for fsm named: ")
  (let ((fn (get name :start-name)))
    (when (and fn (functionp fn))
      (fmakunbound fn)
      (remprop name :start-name)))
  (let (ht)
    (when (hash-table-p (setq ht (get name :fsm-event)))
      (clrhash ht)
      (remprop name :fsm-event))
    (when (hash-table-p (setq ht (get name :fsm-enter)))
      (clrhash ht)
      (remprop name :fsm-enter)))

(defun fsm-start-timer (fsm secs)
  "Send a timeout event to FSM after SECS seconds.
The timer is canceled if another event occurs before, unless the
event handler explicitly asks to keep the timer."
  (fsm-stop-timer fsm)
  (setf (cddr fsm)
         (cddr fsm)
         :timeout (run-with-timer secs
                                  #'fsm-send-sync fsm

(defun fsm-stop-timer (fsm)
  "Stop the timeout timer of FSM."
  (let ((timer (plist-get (cddr fsm) :timeout)))
    (when (timerp timer)
      (cancel-timer timer)
      (setf (cddr fsm) (plist-put (cddr fsm) :timeout nil)))))

(defun fsm-maybe-change-timer (fsm timeout)
  "Change the timer of FSM according to TIMEOUT."
   ((numberp timeout)
    (fsm-start-timer fsm timeout))
   ((null timeout)
    (fsm-stop-timer fsm))
   ;; :keep needs no timer change

(defun fsm-send (fsm event &optional callback)
  "Send EVENT to FSM asynchronously.
If the state machine generates a response, eventually call
CALLBACK with the response as only argument."
  (run-with-timer 0.1 nil #'fsm-send-sync fsm event callback))

(defun fsm-update (fsm new-state new-state-data timeout)
  (let ((fsm-name (cadr fsm))
        (old-state (plist-get (cddr fsm) :state)))
    ;; As a special case, if new-state is nil, arrange to re-enter the state.
    (unless new-state
      (psetq old-state new-state
             new-state old-state))
    (plist-put (cddr fsm) :state new-state)
    (plist-put (cddr fsm) :state-data new-state-data)
    (fsm-maybe-change-timer fsm timeout)

    ;; On state change, call enter function and send deferred events
    ;; again.
    (unless (eq old-state new-state)
      (fsm-debug-output "%s enters %s" fsm-name new-state)
      (let ((enter-fn (gethash new-state (get fsm-name :fsm-enter))))
        (when (functionp enter-fn)
          (destructuring-bind (newer-state-data newer-timeout)
              (funcall enter-fn fsm new-state-data)
            (plist-put (cddr fsm) :state-data newer-state-data)
            (fsm-maybe-change-timer fsm newer-timeout))))

      (let ((deferred (nreverse (plist-get (cddr fsm) :deferred))))
        (setf (cddr fsm)
              (plist-put (cddr fsm) :deferred nil))
        (dolist (event deferred)
          (apply 'fsm-send-sync fsm event))))))

(defun fsm-send-sync (fsm event &optional callback)
  "Send EVENT to FSM synchronously.
If the state machine generates a response, eventually call
CALLBACK with the response as only argument."
    (let* ((fsm-name (second fsm))
           (state (plist-get (cddr fsm) :state))
           (state-data (plist-get (cddr fsm) :state-data))
           (state-fn (gethash state (get fsm-name :fsm-event))))
      (fsm-debug-output "Sent %s to %s in state %s" event fsm-name state)
      (let ((result (funcall state-fn fsm state-data event
                             (or callback 'ignore))))
        ;; Special case for deferring an event until next state change.
         ((eq result :defer)
          (let ((deferred (plist-get (cddr fsm) :deferred)))
            (plist-put (cddr fsm) :deferred
                       (cons (list event callback) deferred))))
         ((null result)
          (fsm-debug-output "Warning: event ignored in state %s" state))
          (destructuring-bind (new-state new-state-data &optional timeout) 
            (fsm-update fsm new-state new-state-data timeout))))))))

(defun fsm-call (fsm event)
  "Send EVENT to FSM synchronously, and wait for a reply.
Return the reply.
`with-timeout' might be useful."
  (lexical-let (reply)
    (fsm-send-sync fsm event (lambda (r) (setq reply (list r))))
    (while (null reply)
      (fsm-sleep fsm 1))
    (car reply)))

(defun fsm-make-filter (fsm)
  "Return a filter function that sends events to FSM.
Events sent are of the form (:filter PROCESS STRING)."
  (lexical-let ((fsm fsm))
    (lambda (process string)
      (fsm-send-sync fsm (list :filter process string)))))

(defun fsm-make-sentinel (fsm)
  "Return a sentinel function that sends events to FSM.
Events sent are of the form (:sentinel PROCESS STRING)."
  (lexical-let ((fsm fsm))
     (lambda (process string)
       (fsm-send-sync fsm (list :sentinel process string)))))

(defun fsm-sleep (fsm secs)
  "Sleep up to SECS seconds in a way that lets FSM receive events."
  (funcall (plist-get (cddr fsm) :sleep) secs))

(provide 'fsm)

;;; fsm.el ends here

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