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mini-GNUe-SuSE-HOWTO and compiling PySablot

From: Arjen Runsink
Subject: mini-GNUe-SuSE-HOWTO and compiling PySablot
Date: Sun, 13 Oct 2002 19:53:20 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.4.3


After an unsucessfull attempt in getting wxGTK and wxPython to work on SuSE 
7.3 so I could use GNUe release 0.3.0, I tried again this weekend using SuSE 
8.0 (and GNUe release 0.4.0).

I have written down what I did in a mini-HOWTO so others might benefit, but 
mainly for myself so I do not need to reinvent the wheel when I install it 
somewhere else, or after an upgrade.

I do not think it is ready yet, mainly because I have one more problem to 
solve (who knows how many more will present them selves later).
But if anyone would like to see /review it, please ask and I'll mail it to 
you. Please also state the format (LyX, Latex, ps, html).

Now to my problem.

It is with compiling PySablot, it needs to be linked to libxmlparse.a, 
libxmltok.a and libiconv.a
But when compiling expat only libexpat.a is created. Maybe someone can help me 
out here?

BB, Ajen Runsink

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