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Re: [gnugo-devel] Parallelizing GNU Go

From: bump
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] Parallelizing GNU Go
Date: Thu, 3 Apr 2003 12:59:13 -0800

> just a question: do we really need it to be paralleled?

This started with a post by John Paul Rodman who wrote that
he was considering parallelizing GNU Go for a class project.

I doubt that we would consider substantial changes in the
architecture prior to the 3.4 release in order to accomodate
this project. So in the short term, we are discussing a

> so, if you ask me, i'm against this. forking gnugo is another deal since
> it doesn't touch the engine much (if at all). it's not very portable, but
> i don't think you'll find many users out there who are eager to have
> paralleled gnu go at all.

On the other hand, suppose that by parallelizing GNU Go
you could obtain a much stronger engine that would only
run on expensive hardware. I think that would be very
interesting and not completely out of the question.


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