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[gnugo-devel] bugs report

From: pcibusgood
Subject: [gnugo-devel] bugs report
Date: Fri, 11 Jul 2003 07:17:04 +0800

bugs report:

version:gnugo 3.3.22
os:windows 2000
compiler:Visual C++ 6.0

English poor, pcibusgood.

1.memory leak report:

1.1 engine\owl.c 5354 line. leak 1,002,848 bytes.
owl_stack = malloc(owl_stack_size * sizeof(*owl_stack));

1.2 engine\cache.c 226 line. leak 3,632,172 bytes.
table->all_results = (Read_result *) malloc(num_results * sizeof(Read_result));

1.3 engine\cache.c 217 line. leak 3,459,216 bytes.
table->all_nodes = (Hashnode *) malloc(num_nodes * sizeof(Hashnode));

1.4 engine\cache.c 210 line. leak 1,297,204 bytes.
table->hashtable = (Hashnode **) malloc(tablesize * sizeof(Hashnode *));

1.2 1.3 1.4 in function
static int hashtable_init(Hashtable *table, int tablesize, int num_nodes, int 

1.5 sgf\sgfnode.c 67 line. leak 323 bytes. (run more times)
void *pt = malloc(size);

1.6 sgf\sgfnode.c 81 line. leak 15 bytes.
void *ptnew = realloc(pt, size);

1.7 engine\cache.c 259 line. leak 36 bytes.
table = (Hashtable *) malloc(sizeof(Hashtable));

1.8 engine\dragon.c 746 line. leak 504 bytes. (run more times)
dragon2 = malloc(number_of_dragons * sizeof(*dragon2));
This bug unknown reason, free() can`t free memory.
memory leak increase. 168,504,840 ...
168 = sizeof(*dragon2). 168*3 = 504. 168*5=840.
number_of_dragons = 3 or number_of_dragons = 5.

2.error report:

2.1 Reading overflows memory (sometimes occur)
engine\utils.c 201 line.
pos = va_arg(ap, int);
engine\utils.c 393 function play_attack_defend_n().
zpos = va_arg(ap, int);
engine\utils.c 480 line. in function play_attack_defend2_n().
zpos = va_arg(ap, int);

2.2 Reading uninitialized memory (sometimes occur)
engine\optics.c 1811 line.
int tmp_point = heye[pos].attack_point[r];
engine\optics.c 1820 line.
int tmp_point = heye[pos].defense_point[r];

2.3 Assigning pointer out of range (sometimes occur)
utils\gg_utils.c 379 line
char *end = (char *) base + width * (nel - 1);

2.4 Expression uses unrelated pointers (sometimes occur)
utils\gg_utils.c 384 line
for (a = base, b = a + gap * width; b <= end; a += width, b += width)

Repair 2.4:
The solution for this problem is to avoid using this construct, 
since it is undefined in ANSI C. 
However, this construct is supported on many systems and frequently used. 




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