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Re: [gnugo-devel] GNU Go in the Computer Olympiad

From: Arend Bayer
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] GNU Go in the Computer Olympiad
Date: Wed, 26 Nov 2003 18:10:46 +0100 (CET)

Gunnar wrote:

> I wrote:
> > GNU Go will be entering the Computer Olympiad, taking place November
> > 23-27, thanks to the organizers generously allowing us to participate
> > although nobody from the team will be present. GNU Go will be operated
> > by Erik van der Werf on a very fast (3 GHz!) Linux laptop.
> GNU Go won all its games!

While I would have bet on a win in each single game, it still impressive
that it could win all of them. Plus the margins of victories are overall
quite big, too.

>                         Time spent (minutes, seconds)
> opponent       margin   GNU Go    opponent
> Aya            239.5    21.05     43.52
> Explorer        75.5     8.00      7.26
> Dariush         12.5     ?         ?
> GoAhead         56.5     ?         ?
> Indigo          time     5.47     50.00
> Jimmy          150.5     9.20      2.14
> Neurogo        248.5    13.30     39.12
> Go Intellect   149.5(*) 12.57     16.44
> GoLois         187.5     7.58      9.11
> SmartGo         51.5     9.33     44.48

I do think gnugo would still benefit from using more of its time
allowance. As can be seen, we cannot simply increase the level, however,
without risking running out of time.

How about
a) throwing out the time control code of gnugoclient, and using the
time_left etc. GTP commands instead? At the same time, increase the
default level to 12 or similar, so that it gets real testing (and/or
allow faster games).
b) once it has gotten enough testing, completely replace the --autolevel
with the code currently used in GTP settings?


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