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[gnugo-devel] web page reorganization

From: Arend Bayer
Subject: [gnugo-devel] web page reorganization
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 2004 20:33:33 +0200 (CEST)

I would like to suggest a reorganization of the our web pages. I suggest
split them up into several smaller pages, that are being navigated
through with a menu.

devel.html would get split up into 
- devel.html, containing development versions download, and other
  information for interested would-be developers
- patches.html, containing everything _we_ need on a daily basis (list
  of patches, link to NNGS games archive, rank graph, regression views)
- links.html (joined with the link list from the main page)

- gnugo.html, only containing some introductory information and an
  overview over the web pages
- download.html 
- tournaments.html: GNU Go tournament results
- free_go_software.html, the free go software directory
- links.html (see above)

I have attached a tar-ball of how it would look like. The menu would get
added to all pages except patches.html, as I think for us it is more
annoying than useful. Colors are still ugly, some links don't work (as I
haven't attached everything to save space), and probably style sheets
should be used. But I think it is clear enough how it might look like,
so I would like to invite comments.


I don't like frames (and almost all web pages as of today avoid them),
and so I would suggest to just add the menu by hand into all the pages
that need them. (There is no sane way to include one .html-file into
another AFAIK.) Only in the rare cases where we change the overall
structure we would have to make a change to all files.

Attachment: gnugo-pages-new.tar.gz
Description: application/gunzip

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