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Re: [gnugo-devel] Re: [computer-go] Competition of the GO-algorithms

From: Gunnar Farnebäck
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] Re: [computer-go] Competition of the GO-algorithms
Date: Fri, 03 Dec 2004 01:34:36 +0100
User-agent: EMH/1.14.1 SEMI/1.14.3 (Ushinoya) FLIM/1.14.2 (Yagi-Nishiguchi) APEL/10.3 Emacs/21.3 (sparc-sun-solaris2.9) MULE/5.0 (SAKAKI)

Dan wrote:
> Here's a position where ED91 is matched at C11. GNU Go
> doesn't tenuki, but instead plays C14. However C14 is
> inferior to C11. And of course A12 would be just
> bizarre if it got played. Among these 4 moves, C11,
> corresponding to pattern ED91 is the best.

Thanks. The major problem here is that C11 isn't tested as an
additional owl defense for B16. It seems most appropriate to force
that by adding a connection move reason, so I propose the following
revision of ED91:

??XXoo          Extend after the push




After that the top moves are

1. C11 31.35
2. C14 24.87
3. C13 24.67
4. A12 24.18
5. B12 23.41

Any more examples where ED91 has been needed?


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