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Re: [gnugo-devel] Installing on Ubuntu 7.04

From: Stuart A. Yeates
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] Installing on Ubuntu 7.04
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2007 20:30:45 +0100

On ubuntu the correct way to report bugs us with the commandline
"ubuntu-bug" (assuming it hasn't changed in the new release).

Things to check (and which make it much more likely that the bug gets
fixed in a timely manner):

*) is the file executable? (use the command "ls -lart /usr/games/gnugo")
*) are there any error messages when you try to run the program?
*) what architecture are you on? (i686 or AMD are the likely candidates)
*) do you have any other things running at the same time? (i.e. does
it run if it's the only thing running on the system)

Ubuntu seems to build gnugo directly from the debian sources rather
than tinkering with it, but the debian bug database doesn't seem to
contain anything relevant:


[whose money is on this being an AMD issue]

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