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[Gnumed-devel] GNUmed user interface toolkit considerations

From: Gour
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] GNUmed user interface toolkit considerations
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2010 11:25:04 +0100

Hello list,

recently (or not so), Sebastian posted on GNUmed blog post entitled as
the Subject line says.

I've put a comment suggesting PyGTK, but today seeing there was
response to my comment, posted another one...

Here it is...

Believe it or not, but it seems that I'll drop gtk2hs for as my GUI toolkit and 
use wxhaskell considering it better option for Mac OS X (which my 'mentor' has 
switched to recently). I've even got email for one of the main guys behind 
Gtk-OSX project suggesting that if I care about OSX, then it's better to use wx.

In that light, I'd say that staying with wxWidgets is better than Qt owned by 

Otoh, I wonder why you didn't consider to use wxFormBuilder
( - SVN version has support for Python,
although in my case I'd use XRC files.

Is is just the historical reason that at that time there was no other


which even does not mention wxGlade.

Based on the above table, I've picked two candidates: wxFormBuilder
and DialogBlocks, but since you prefer free tools, then wxFormBuilder
looks as great choice.

Another thing...since you are working for quite some time with
wxpython/wxGlade, I'm just curious what is the reason to work with
generated Python code instead of separating GUI stuff by loadin/using
XRC file?

Last but not the least, congratulation for 0.6 release!



Gour  | Hlapicina, Croatia  | GPG key: F96FF5F6

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