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[gotmail] Marking messages read and deleting

From: paul cannon
Subject: [gotmail] Marking messages read and deleting
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 17:56:16 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i


Apparently, Hotmail is continuing to make small changes in the folder
code. Starting a few days ago, and affecting all versions of Gotmail,
the "mark read" and "delete" actions stopped working due to said
changes. I've written what I think is a much more robust way to mark mail
read and delete it. It has to download a little more data, but it works
for me. Fixed version 0.7.7pre1 is in CVS, and I'll upload a tarball to
the download area.

Please test the fixed version for me.

This problem will be dealt with in a more elegant manner in the rewrite.

  _  _ . .|  _ _ ._ ._  _ ._  address@hidden
 |_)(_||_|| (_(_|| || |(_)| |

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