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Re: Fw: gpsd | Proposal: Usage of official GNSSids in cgps.c (#199)

From: Greg Troxel
Subject: Re: Fw: gpsd | Proposal: Usage of official GNSSids in cgps.c (#199)
Date: Sun, 08 May 2022 07:53:30 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/26.3 (berkeley-unix)

"Gary E. Miller" <> writes:

> The following tables shows the different systems and currently used
> short char ids. Is it possible to switch to either 3-char ids or if
> that is too long, using the 1-char codes for the GNSSs.
> | Name    | 3-char | GPSd 2-char | 1-char
> | GPS     | GPS    | GP          | G
> | GLONASS | GLO    | GL          | R
> | GALILEO | GAL    | GA          | E
> | BeiDou  | BDS    | BD          | C
> | QZSS    | QZS    | QZ          | J
> | SBAS    | SBS    | SB          | S
> | IRNSS   | IRN    | IR          | I
> | IMES    |        | I           | M

So it turns out ^C^C in an email buffer doesn't straighten out the
org-mode table....

I'm not entirely clear on what's a real standard vs common, but

  for 1-char abbrevs I find G/R/E/C obvious.  S less so, but now I know,
  and I would have guessed J and I.  IMES I didn't even know what it is,
  but that's ok.

  The 3-char abbrevs look entirely normal to me.

So if the 3-char fit, that seems good, and if that's at all awkward then
the 1-char is fine.

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