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status: separation of expansion/optimization/memoization/execution

From: Han-Wen
Subject: status: separation of expansion/optimization/memoization/execution
Date: Sat, 3 Aug 2002 14:12:23 +0200

address@hidden writes:
> The effect so far is, that booting guile takes noticably longer (at least
> 15%), but for example executing the test-suite is almost as fast as before

How do you measure that effectively? I now installed my new-gc guile,
and starting it up takes as long as it used to (the speed up seems to
have been disappeared.) Isn't the benchmark suite a much better test?

Is there some magical command that shows the startup time? (Would be
easy to implement, just do something similar to gc-stats).

FWIW, I "installed" some of the GC benchmarks over here --pretty
trivial-- and the code is GPL, but probably not (c) assigned. We can't
accept it then, Marius (right?), so shall I try asking the guy for a
disclaimer & assignment? (I think it has a slim chance working).

BTW, on a completely different note: I realized that it should not be
difficult to maintain coverage statistics for all primitive
(implemented in C) subroutines: when they are invoked a flag is set.
Is that possible?  Wouldn't that be very good for testing the
test-suite? Any thoughts?

Han-Wen Nienhuys   |   address@hidden   | 

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