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scm_leave_guile, setjmp, and caller-saved registers

From: Ken Raeburn
Subject: scm_leave_guile, setjmp, and caller-saved registers
Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2005 18:17:13 -0400

Somebody please check me on this, I'm not sure if scm_leave_guile can be relied upon to work. Actually, it's the suspend() function inside it, in the current implementation, but the issue extends to scm_leave_guile, and scm_without_guile in its current implementation.

Consider this sequence:

Function foo, called in Guile mode, calls suspend (maybe indirectly through scm_leave_guile), which does this:

  /* record top of stack for the GC */
t->top = SCM_STACK_PTR (&t); // just takes address of automatic var 't'
  /* save registers. */
  SCM_FLUSH_REGISTER_WINDOWS;      // sparc only
  setjmp (t->regs);                // here's most of the magic

... and returns.

Function foo has a SCM value X, a handle on a non-immediate object, in a caller-saved register R, and it's the only reference to the object currently.

The compiler wants to use R in suspend, so it pushes the current value, X, into a stack slot which will be reloaded on exit from suspend; then it loads stuff into R and goes about its business. The setjmp call saves (some of) the current registers, including R, which no longer contains X. (This isn't a problem for a normal setjmp/longjmp situation, where longjmp would be called before setjmp's caller returns; the old value for X would be loaded back from the stack after the longjmp, before the function returned.)

So, suspend returns, loading X back into R (and invalidating the jump buffer) in the process. The caller foo then goes off and calls a bunch of other functions out of Guile mode, occasionally storing X on the stack again, but, say, much deeper on the stack than suspend's stack frame went, and the stack slot where suspend had written X has long since been overwritten with other values.

Okay, nothing actively broken so far. Now, let garbage collection run, triggered by another thread.

The thread calling foo is out of Guile mode at the time, so the garbage collector just scans a range of stack addresses. Too bad that X isn't stored there. So the pointed-to storage goes onto the free list, and I think you can see where things go from there.

Is there anything I'm missing that'll prevent this scenario from happening? I mean, aside from, "well, suspend and scm_leave_guile don't have many local variables, so they probably won't need to save any registers on most systems, so we hope everything will wind up in the jump buffer and we'll just get away with it"?

(And, going the other direction, if scm_leave_guile and suspend push the stack pointer over onto a new page, and foo doesn't make further function calls and thus the stack pointer no longer includes that page, are we guaranteed that the kernel cannot release the now-unused stack page that contains the top-of-stack pointer we just saved? I don't know if any OS actually does that. If it does, we could get faults in garbage collection.)

I don't think scm_without_guile has to have this problem, as it gets more control over the stack handling -- but it should call setjmp itself. I'd probably try something like:

  /* record top of stack for the GC */
  t->top = SCM_STACK_PTR (&t);
  /* save registers. */
  setjmp (t->regs);
  res = func(data);
  scm_enter_guile (t);

... though even that's making some assumptions about the stack ordering of local variables versus caller-saved registers.

For something like scm_leave_guile to work, I don't think it can just rely on invalidated jump buffers. A valid jump buffer, and a handle on the stack state at the point when the jump buffer was initialized, together, would work fine, but I think then we're talking about macros invoking setjmp in the caller's stack frame, and requiring that the caller of scm_leave_guile also call scm_enter_guile before returning, kind of like pthread_cleanup_push/pop calls that have to be paired up in a function. (In fact, the pthread ones have to be paired up syntactically, as if they might expand to a compound statement incorporating the user's code, and invoking a compiler's exception-handling primitives. Which might be something to think about for cases where Guile is used with C++ exceptions or pthread_cancel.)


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