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Re: guile's eval from C

From: Viktor Pavlenko
Subject: Re: guile's eval from C
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2002 15:36:28 -0400

>>>>> "NJ" == Neil Jerram <address@hidden> writes:

>>>>> "Viktor" == Viktor Pavlenko <address@hidden> writes:
    Viktor> Hello and sorry for the simple question.
    Viktor> I'd like to evaluate an SCM object from C, equivalent to

    guile> (eval '(car '("a" "b" "c")))
    Viktor> "a"
    guile> (eval "a")
    Viktor> "a"

    Viktor> Looks like the best way is to call gh_call1(), but how do
    Viktor> I get an SCM object for guile's eval? I could also build a
    Viktor> C string containing the complete expression to be
    Viktor> evaluated ( "(eval '(car '("a" "b" "c")))" ) and call
    Viktor> gh_eval_str() but this seems inefficient because I have
    Viktor> the expression to be evaluated as SCM object.

    NJ> One possibility is:

    NJ>   scm_primitive_eval (exp);

    NJ> This will evaluate the supplied expression in the current module.

    NJ> Does this help?

I believe it will when I switch to 1.6. Thanks!


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