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Re: libraries

From: tantalum
Subject: Re: libraries
Date: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 13:12:28 +0200
User-agent: Posteo Webmail

Neat. Just to double-check - the environment variables of my current process are preserved or /tmp/mybin would run with environment consisting only of variables which
I've explicitly put into execute-with-environment?
the new process receives only the specified environment variables. but it should be no problem to pass it a modified environment from the current process using guiles "environ" procedure
  (cons "XX2=LOL" (environ))
working example:
guile -c '(import (sph process)) (execute-with-environment (cons "XX2=LOL" (environ)) "env")'

the only interface to execve for guile
actually in guile the direct interface to execve is called execle (
the "process" version does two more things:
- it adds the program name as the first argument, the usual calling convention. would have to be taken care of manually otherwise
- it may search $PATH
- it moves the "env" argument to the front to preserve the order of filename and rest-arguments

Could you illustrate that with some code too? I do not plan to have that many records
so I'm not concerned with the speed that much :)

the getter/setter definitions where included in the last example. setting fields by symbolic name would look like this:
  (define triad (make-record-layout (quote (pid env num))))
  (define t (record triad pid "LOL" 5))
  (record-set! t triad (quote pid) 5011)

the getter/setter definitions could be shortened with a new single "define-" form which generates the bindings. i might add that and the current library makes this quite easy. for reference, other record implementations already do this, but these implementations regard records as something more complicated.

if you do not want to deal with record-layouts, getters and setters,
you could use vectors which are like arrays in other languages (which could be records at the same time)
  (define a (vector 3 4 5))
  (vector-ref a 0)

or hashtables, which are like associative arrays or objects in other languages
  (import (sph hashtable))
  (define a (hashtable "a" 1 "b" 2))
  (hashtable-ref a "a")

or association lists, alists, which are lists and similar to two-dimensional arrays
  (import (sph alist))
  (define a (alist "a" 1 "b" 2))
  (alist-ref a "a")


I can also have arbitrary number of fields in the record?

your libraries to be packaged and readily available in my distro repositories
what is your distro?
there is a package for arch linux at least ( and there is "guix", which seems to become the package manager for the gnu system, and might be interesting cross-distro. though as of yet i have not figured out how to make a package for it.

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