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Re: guix melpa mirror!

From: zimoun
Subject: Re: guix melpa mirror!
Date: Fri, 18 Nov 2022 09:20:25 +0100


On Thu, 17 Nov 2022 at 19:06, jgart <> wrote:

> I would love for guix to have very powerful automated package creation
> for all language ecosystems! 

Well, it strongly depends on the quality of the targeted language
ecosystem.  For some, they provide enough metadata to rely on for good
automatizing; for instance, R with CRAN or Bioconductor.

Sadly, for many others ecosystem, they (upstream) do not provide enough
metadata to automatically fill all the package fields.  And some manual
tweaks are required.

For example, let count the number of packages that are tweaking their
’arguments’ fields (from ’#:tests? #f’ to complex phases modifications).
This is far from being a perfect metrics but it is a rough indication
about upstream quality: if they provide clean package respecting their
build system or if the package requires Guix adjustments.

Well, I get:

      r            : 2093 = 2093 = 1991 + 102 

which is good (only ~5% require ’arguments’ tweaks), but

      python       : 2630 = 2630 = 803  + 1827

is bad (only ~31% do not require an ’arguments’ tweak).

About Emacs, it reads,

      emacs        : 1222 = 1222 = 874  + 348 

>From my point of view, it seems that it would be hard to have full
automated Emacs packaging for Guix.  Well, it requires some work to find
some heuristics at importing (converting) time and that’s not
straightforward, IMHO.


--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
$ guix repl -- arguments-vs-import.scm
key          : tot  = tot  = no-arguments + arguments
ocaml        : 57   = 57   = 0    + 57  
haskell      : 723  = 723  = 505  + 218 
clojure      : 11   = 11   = 0    + 11  
qt           : 226  = 226  = 98   + 128 
copy         : 105  = 105  = 1    + 104 
maven        : 1    = 1    = 0    + 1   
node         : 48   = 48   = 2    + 46  
minetest-mod : 18   = 18   = 18   + 0   
chicken      : 9    = 9    = 0    + 9   
emacs        : 1222 = 1222 = 874  + 348 
linux-module : 14   = 14   = 0    + 14  
raw          : 1    = 1    = 1    + 0   
glib-or-gtk  : 128  = 128  = 31   + 97  
asdf/source  : 659  = 659  = 553  + 106 
dune         : 226  = 226  = 39   + 187 
go           : 483  = 483  = 0    + 483 
cmake        : 1115 = 1115 = 92   + 1023
minify       : 11   = 11   = 1    + 10  
perl         : 823  = 823  = 710  + 113 
android-ndk  : 11   = 11   = 0    + 11  
waf          : 25   = 25   = 0    + 25  
trivial      : 223  = 223  = 0    + 223 
julia        : 273  = 273  = 129  + 144 
r            : 2093 = 2093 = 1991 + 102 
guile        : 41   = 41   = 14   + 27  
elm          : 29   = 29   = 24   + 5   
cargo        : 3342 = 3342 = 195  + 3147
ruby         : 475  = 475  = 80   + 395 
rebar        : 19   = 19   = 11   + 8   
scons        : 14   = 14   = 0    + 14  
font         : 85   = 85   = 61   + 24  
rakudo       : 21   = 21   = 10   + 11  
gnu          : 4241 = 4241 = 812  + 3429
asdf/ecl     : 637  = 637  = 434  + 203 
asdf/sbcl    : 678  = 678  = 453  + 225 
ant          : 462  = 462  = 1    + 461 
meson        : 448  = 448  = 88   + 360 
texlive      : 143  = 143  = 0    + 143 
python       : 2630 = 2630 = 803  + 1827
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

(use-modules (guix)
             (ice-9 match))

(define table (make-hash-table))

(fold-packages (lambda (package result)
                 (let ((bs  (build-system-name
                             (package-build-system package)))
                       (arg (package-arguments    package)))
                   (match (hash-ref result bs)
                     ((tot wo wi)
                      (if (null? arg)
                          (hash-set! result bs (list
                                                (1+ tot)
                                                (1+ wo)
                          (hash-set! result bs (list
                                                (1+ tot)
                                                (1+ wi)))))
                     (#f (if (null? arg)
                             (hash-set! result bs (list 1 1 0))
                             (hash-set! result bs (list 1 0 1))))
                     (_ (format #t "Error: ~s~%" (package-name package))))

(define fmt "~13s: ~4s = ~4s = ~4s + ~4s~%")
(format #t fmt
        'key 'tot 'tot 'no-arguments 'arguments)
(hash-for-each-handle (lambda (kv)
                        (match kv
                          ((key . value)
                           (match value
                             ((tot wo wi)
                              (format #t fmt
                                      (+ wo wi)
                                      tot wo wi))))))

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