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Re: (M)ELPA package metadata accuracy

From: zimoun
Subject: Re: (M)ELPA package metadata accuracy
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2022 20:07:26 +0100

Hi Ludo,

On Mon, 21 Nov 2022 at 11:00, Ludovic Courtès <> wrote:

> So that’d be 72% accurate package metadata for (M)ELPA, not too bad!

IMHO, one could extrapolate that if someone applies a similar approach
as Lars for CRAN, then 70-75% of (M)ELPA should build out-of-the box.

BTW, unrelated to the topic but note that I engaged a discussion [1]
with Org folk about using Guix as a brick for quality assurance of Emacs
packages – starting with Org. ;-)  Well, the GNU project should reuse
its own components instead of relying on other distros. :-)

1: <>

> I tried to estimate repository package data accuracy for my PackagingCon
> talk last year in a sophisticated way (perhaps too sophisticated):
>   (slide 53)

IIRC, you mainly investigated the accuracy of the importers…

> I think we should identify common sources of inaccuracy in package
> metadata

…and indeed maybe a systematic analysis of the modifications of the
default emacs-build-system could help in 2 directions:

 1. maybe draw some heuristics to improve the importer accuracy,

>              talk with repo maintainers to improve on that.

and 2. report upstream if some patterns appear.

Well, for packages using ’emacs-build-system’, only comparing ’keyword’
arguments, it reads:

        emacs        : 1234 = 1234 = 878  + 356
            ("phases" . 213)
            ("tests?" . 144)
            ("test-command" . 127)
            ("include" . 87)
            ("emacs" . 25)
            ("exclude" . 20)
            ("modules" . 7)
            ("imported-modules" . 4)
            ("parallel-tests?" . 1) 

Considering this 356 packages, 144 modifies the keyword #:tests?.  Note
that ’#:tests? #t’ is counted in these 144 and it reads,

    $ ag 'tests\? #t' gnu/packages/emacs-xyz.scm | wc -l

Ah!  It requires some investigations. :-)

Indeed, it could be worth to identify common sources of the extra
modifications we are doing compared to the default emacs-build-system.


(use-modules (guix)
             (srfi srfi-1)
             (ice-9 match))

(define %table (make-hash-table))

(define (keyword-as-string arg)
  (map (compose symbol->string keyword->symbol)
       (filter keyword? arg)))

(define (count-items lst)
  (if (null? lst)
      (let ((sorted (sort lst string<=?)))
         (fold (lambda (keyword result)
                 (match result
                   ((head tail ...)
                    (match head
                      ((k . v)
                       (if (string= k keyword)
                           (cons `(,k . ,(+ 1 v)) tail)
                           (cons `(,keyword . 1) result)))
                      (_ (format #t "Error:"))))
                   (_ (format #t "Error:"))))
               (list `(,(car sorted) . 1))
               (cdr sorted))
         (lambda (x1 x2)
           (match x1
             ((k1 . v1)
              (match x2
                ((k2 . v2)
                 (> v1 v2))))))))))

(fold-packages (lambda (package result)
                 (let ((bs  (build-system-name
                             (package-build-system package)))
                       (arg (package-arguments     package)))
                   (match (hash-ref result bs)
                     ((tot wo wi args)
                      (if (null? arg)
                          (hash-set! result bs (list
                                                (1+ tot)
                                                (1+ wo)
                                                wi args))
                          (hash-set! result bs (list
                                                (1+ tot)
                                                (1+ wi)
                                                (append (keyword-as-string arg)
                     (#f (if (null? arg)
                             (hash-set! result bs (list 1 1 0 '()))
                             (hash-set! result bs (list 1 0 1 
(keyword-as-string arg)))))
                     (_ (format #t "Error: ~s~%" (package-name package))))

(define fmt "~13s: ~4s = ~4s = ~4s + ~4s  ~{ ~s ~}~%")
(format #t fmt
        'key 'tot 'tot 'no-arguments 'arguments (list 'pattern?))
(hash-for-each-handle (lambda (kv)
                        (match kv
                          ((key . value)
                           (match value
                             ((tot wo wi args)
                              (format #t fmt
                                      (+ wo wi)
                                      tot wo wi (count-items args)))))))

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