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Re: [Help-bash] append to $@ one by one

From: Eli Schwartz
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] append to $@ one by one
Date: Sat, 19 Oct 2019 21:26:54 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.1.1

On 10/19/19 9:15 PM, Daniel Mills wrote:
> Why not just append all at the same time?
> while IFS= read -r x; do
>   a+=("$x")
> done
> # some other logic that sets x and y
> set -- "$a[@]}" "$x" "$y"
> Alternatively, just append to the array and then do your set. There's no
> method to append to the positional parameters, it's either setting them all
> at once or not at all.

The questioner explicitly called out this method, said "I'm currently
doing it that way", and said "I want something better, which I define as
not requiring the definition of an array other than @"

So your answer could be rewritten as "No, you are currently using the
only valid method. bash doesn't have functionality to append to the
positional parameters. Carry on as you are now."

Aside: your "alternatively" doesn't seem to be much of an alternative,
as it describes the first thing you suggested rather than being an

Eli Schwartz
Arch Linux Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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