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Handling getopt for option without optional argument value

From: lisa-asket
Subject: Handling getopt for option without optional argument value
Date: Fri, 23 Jul 2021 21:53:22 +0200 (CEST)

From: Lawrence Velázquez <>
Subject: Re: Handling getopt for option without optional argument value
Date: 23/07/2021 21:26:53 Europe/Paris

On Fri, Jul 23, 2021, at 3:16 PM, wrote:
> Although your link states that it is posix compliant.

This only means that it can be run by POSIX-compliant shells. It
does not mean that the tool or its interface is POSIX-compliant.

> Perhaps Chet can find it useful and suitable
> for Gnu Bash to have similar functionality to all users, rather than 
> something that just works for myself.

Chet has repeatedly solicited input on how getopts might be improved
in a backward-compatible manner, and your responses have effectively
been "well why don't you just look at this other thing and copy
them". This is highly unlikely to result in any meaningful changes.

Chet rejected the idea of a different function call that might not be as great 

as getopts in relation to all unix-like systems, but is able to accept 

We can all start with an idea and build on it with time.  I quite agree with 

from Eric Raymond on this aspect.  Others are not so flexible, making progress

extremely slow.

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